32 | No more fear

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Rufus Du Sol - Treat You Better:
'Stay here, I spent the best days of my life with you. Watching clouds form in the distance, I watched the sunset on the beach with you. It's not over yet'

Telling her story felt liberating. Emilia realised that every detail she told the police, would mean more time for Marcus behind bars so she told them everything he had ever done to her. Because of the pictures and emails and the fact that he was caught red-handed attacking them, the police promised her that he would be locked up for many years. After almost three hours, Gia and Emilia stepped out of the police station again. It was a glorious, sunny November day and Emilia let out a big breath while she stared up at the sky. "You did it, babes!" She felt the arms of her best friend wrap around her and she quickly turned around to look at Gia. "Thank you so much, G. I really don't know what I would have done without you and Isa. I wouldn't have survived these past few years without you and I don't know how I will ever be able to thank you for that.."

Emilia wrapped her arms around Gia and the girls stood there for a while, taking in the moment. "Seeing you build up your own empire, starting a relationship after all of this and seeing you happy with Daniel is the biggest thanks you could give us, Mil. We're so proud of you and it's only going to get better from here on out. No more fear, no more holding back. Just enjoy your life and your incredible boyfriend.." Emilia nodded, she knew her best friend was right. It felt like her life had only started the day the girls left for LA and it was only going to get better. "Shall we go back to the boys?" Gia asked and just as they walked in, holding hands, the girls made their way over to the car on their way out. They decided to stop at the local restaurant to pick up some lunch before they drove back to Emilia's apartment where the boys were playing some video games.

Daniel placed the controller on the coffee table and stood up immediately when he saw the girls walk back into the living room and the smile on Emilia's face was all he needed to know. She seemed happy and relieved and it was the most beautiful look on her. Daniel walked over to hug his girlfriend and he noticed there was no hesitation on her part when she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips. "Hey baby, how did it go?" Emilia smiled up at him, kissed him again and walked towards the kitchen while telling them everything that happened at the police station this morning. Gia opened up the bag of food they got at the restaurant and placed the meals on the table where they all sat down to eat some lunch. "So he won't be out for many, many years.." Emilia concluded her story and Daniel could only look at the little twinkle in her eyes.

He hadn't seen that twinkle for several weeks and it only just occurred to him that she had been so afraid this entire time while he was on the other side of the planet. "So this was also the reason you stayed over at Gia's for all those weeks I was away.." It was more of a statement than a question and he saw the girls nod almost immediately. "Yeah, but he found me there also. I was home alone one evening when Gia was teaching her classes and that is when he gave me the second photo. But I called Isabel immediately and we went over to Gia's for a yoga class to calm down. They haven't left my side after that". Emilia said and he noticed how much easier it was for her to talk about it now. Daniel looked at Gia and he silently mouthed the words 'thank you' to her and when he saw her nod her head, he knew she understood what he meant.

While the girls were clearing up the leftovers and dishes from their lunch, Daniel needed the opinion of his best friend on something he had been thinking about during the meal. The boys sat down on the sofa again, just out of reach for the girls to hear them. "I have been thinking.. Emilia must have felt so afraid and alone these past couple of weeks while we were on the other side of the world. I really don't want her to feel like that anymore. What would you think of me asking her to come to the races with me?" Daniel asked and he saw his best friend furrow his brows, creating a little thinking line on his forehead. "It's only a few races left this season before the winter break, so I think that would be fine. She can work from anywhere luckily, so that won't be an issue". Michael said and Daniel nodded.

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