18 | Move a little closer

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MADE IN LA - Closer:
'Trying not to lose my composure. When all I wanna do is touch you. Darling, won't you move a little closer? Cos' all I wanna do is love you'

Like they had imagined and talked about, the next few weeks were quite difficult for Daniel and Emilia to keep in contact as much as before. Daniel flew straight to Singapore after his race in Russia where he managed an excellent drive and finish P4. It had been a close call to a podium, but he didn't quite have the ability to keep the same pace as the top three. After that, he travelled straight to Japan, one of his favourite races of the season. This track was all about high speed, so the team knew it would be hard to keep up with Red Bull and Mercedes. Even though Daniel knew he wasn't in the fastest car, he enjoyed every minute of driving on this awesome track and he was happy with his P6 finish.

After the race, he quickly texted Emilia to let her know that he was heading to the airport and that he would call her when he got home in Monaco. Emilia had some important meetings finalizing a big project today, so he didn't want to disturb her from that right now. They had called and FaceTimed each other a few times these past few weeks, but Daniel missed her like crazy. Luckily, he could talk about it with his best friend and trainer because Michael hadn't seen Gia in a while too. "What do you think about inviting the girls over to Monaco for a few days this week? We have two weeks before the next race and I want to chill a bit before starting training again next week. We could go on a double date, go out, have some fun.." Daniel said when they were waiting for the plane to take off. A big smile appeared on Michael's face and he immediately grabbed his phone to text Gia about it. "I'll ask Mil too.." Daniel said.

Daniel 🥇:
Hey baby, Michael and I were thinking and we would love it if you and Gia could come over to Monaco for a few days. Isabel can come too, of course, if she wants! 😀 But we wanted to take you on a double date, show you around Monaco a bit. What do you say? x

Emilia 👼🏽:
That sounds amazing, to be honest. The last few weeks have been crazy at work, so I would like a few days off. When did you have in mind? I can't wait to see you again ❤️x

Daniel 🥇:
Well, Michael is texting Gia right now so you could talk to her about it first, maybe. But if it was up to me, I would have you there right now, so as soon as possible. Let me know, I'll arrange the flights. I love you! ❤️ We're taking off now so I'll talk to you soon! x

Emilia 👼🏽:
Okay babe, I'll let you know. I love you too, be safe! x

Daniel smiled when he put away his phone and when he looked over to his best friend, he saw the same look on his face. "Emilia is down, she can come any day, so it's up to you guys". Daniel said, grabbing his AirPods from his backpack to listen to some music. "Gia said she is going over to Emilia right now, so they'll discuss it then. But she said she could have some of the girls watch the gym for a few days so that it was fine". Daniel slid a little further down the seat, searched for his travel playlist on his phone and closed his eyes, ready for a little nap. He couldn't wait to see Emilia again and show her around his home town now. It had been a month since they were together in Monza for the Italian GP and even though they FaceTimed every Sunday, it wasn't the same. He wanted to hold her and touch her again. With that on his mind, Daniel fell asleep. He was almost back home.


"So, are we going to Monaco or what?!" Gia yelled down the hallway when she arrived at Emilia's house. Isabel wasn't there, she was on a work trip to London and she wouldn't be back until next week. As much as the girls hated travelling without each other, Gia and Emilia knew Isabel wouldn't mind them going, just the two of them. "Of course, we are!" Emilia yelled back and she ran to her best friend, the both of them just jumping around the room now. "I've arranged for a few of the girls to watch the yoga school when I'm gone and my classes will be taken over by other teachers, so I'm good to go when you are". Gia had the biggest grin on her face, Emilia knew how much she missed Michael and honestly, she felt the same. Not seeing Daniel for a month was really hard, so a trip to Monaco would be lovely right now. "Well, I just finished my big project today, so I'm good to go as well. I'll text Daniel that we can come anytime they want".

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