31 | In my nightmares

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Brandon Heath - I Will Lay You Down:
'So don't you worry 'bout a thing, I'm gonna get you through the night. I know you're scared but it's gonna be alright and if you wake before the light, don't be afraid, just call my name. I'll hear you pray, I'm on my way, yeah, yeah'

W A R N I N G: mention of aggressive behaviour and abuse

Emilia could feel him on top of her, his hands restraining her arms above her head. She tried to kick him off but because of his big size compared to her petite frame, it was impossible. His hand slapped her across the cheek and the smile on his face grew bigger with each second, he loved seeing her squirm beneath him like this. "Let go of me!" Emilia tried to scream but he muffled her sounds by stuffing his tie in her mouth. The smile on his face turned into an angry look. He liked it when she fought back a little, but she needed to know when to listen. His hand curled around her throat but this time it wasn't in a good way and Emilia could slowly feel herself run out of breath. She kicked her knees up to try and throw him off of her, but it didn't work. "You're not going anywhere, princess.." He said before he raised his fist and...

"No!" Bathing in sweat with tears rolling across her cheeks and completely out of breath, Emilia shot up and held her hands in front of her face. She tried to duck away from the blow she was about to feel and curled her body into a ball, still protecting her head with her arms. "Mil, you're okay! Please, look at me, you're alright.." She heard a male voice next to her say but she couldn't see anything because of the darkness still covering the room. As much as she tried to stay calm, her breathing pattern was getting worse and she started feeling light-headed. "It was just a nightmare, please believe me when I say everything is alright. It's just me.." Emilia heard the voice again but she couldn't picture a face to it right now. She held on to her legs a bit tighter when she felt the mattress sink next to her. The person was getting closer. "N-No, please, don't hurt me". She tried to say while ducking away even further but it was nothing but a whisper.

"I won't, please you have to believe me.. fuck!" Emilia heard the person next to her say, he sounded confused and frustrated, but he didn't sound angry. It was silent for a few seconds, all Emilia could hear were her own quiet sobs and her heart beating out of her chest. "Okay, Mil, I promise I'm not going to hurt you, but you will feel my hands on your arms in a second okay?" 'Wait, did he say Mil? Marcus used to call me Em..' Emilia flinched when she felt a strong hand on her arm and she pulled back a little when she felt him trying to peel her arm away from her face but after a while, she was just too tired to fight back. But he didn't hurt her, the man gently took her arms away before he lifted his hand to her chin. Emilia's eyes were still closed and the feeling of someone touching her face made her flinch again, but he just kept his hand there before he slowly lifted her face to look up.

"Mil? Will you please look at me? Everything is alright, you're safe.." Emilia heard the man say and she started to recognize the voice. It was soothing and comforting and she had heard it before. He hadn't hurt her one bit the last few minutes so she decided to just take a leap of faith. Emilia slowly opened her eyes, her breathing pattern a bit more regular now, but the tears were still rolling across her cheeks. Her eyes had to adjust to the light, he must have turned it on while she had her face covered. When she lifted her eyes to look at the man who was trying to comfort her, a sob left her mouth. "D-Daniel?" She whispered and she saw him let out a big breath as if he was scared she wouldn't recognize him anymore. "Oh thank god, I'm here baby, you're safe. It was just a nightmare". He said and Emilia couldn't contain her sobs anymore.

Her shaking hands reached out for his arms and Daniel slowly moved over to her, still hesitant to touch her but she seemed to recognize him now. He sat down behind her and wrapped his arms around her body before she let her head fall back against his chest. He tried to cover her up with the blanket as much as possible, trying to create a little safe cocoon for her. Daniel's own heartbeat was going crazy, it was nothing compared to Emilia's fear, but waking up to his girlfriend screaming in despair was one of the scariest things he had ever experienced. He was so afraid she wouldn't recognize him anymore, her fragile cries for help still running through his mind. Daniel softly kissed her hair, Emilia hadn't stopped crying yet. "I love you". He whispered in her ear, his arms still protectively around her. "You can close your eyes, nothing is going to happen to you". Daniel felt her relax and after a few minutes, her steady breath revealed that she had fallen asleep.

Broken Soul ☆ Daniel RicciardoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon