6 | Capture my attention

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Why Don't We - Big Plans:
'Work all day, work all night. Might not get no sleep tonight, baby can you stay up? We could talk, we could dance, don't matter the circumstance, we don't let it change us'

Picking up her life where she left off, was quite difficult for Emilia. The holiday had been amazing and she loved letting go for a bit to focus on herself, but implementing the things she learned into her everyday life in combination with a full work schedule was hard. The first week had been about teaching herself to switch off for the evening after dinner and relaxing or doing something she enjoyed instead of being on her phone to continue work the entire time. Emilia had spoken to Daniel twice, he was busy preparing for the first race in Belgium after the summer break this weekend. Looking at the time at the bottom of her screen, seeing it was 7 o'clock already, Emilia exited the tabs and closed her laptop. It was Friday and she felt like a movie night with a nice glass of wine. Isabel had a work party tonight, so she had the house to herself. She poured herself a glass of white wine, heated up some leftovers from last night's dinner and changed into a comfortable pyjama set before settling on the couch. Emilia chose a movie from her Netflix queue and for about half an hour, she was completely relaxed. Until her phone rang.

Looking at the device on the sofa next to her, Emilia's eyes grew wide. It was Daniel. He had never called her before, besides that one time at the beach to ask her what she was up to, they had only texted when she landed back home and a few days later when he asked her how she was doing. It was quite nerve-wracking to speak to him again, but when she answered and heard his voice, a big smile grew on Emilia's face. "Hey there". Daniel said and she could picture the look on his face right now. "Hi.." She answered, still a little nervous but it was so nice to hear from him again. "How is your night going? All done with work for the week?" He asked and Emilia loved how interested he was in her. He always asked her how everything was going and how she was feeling and it was completely new to her but so nice to experience for once. "I just started the first movie of the evening. Having a night alone after a busy week". Then she remembered he had his first practises today so she decided to ask him about them.

"How was it to get back in the car after the break? Did you still fit or has Michael put you on a stricter diet?" He chuckled at her question and after talking about his day for a while, Daniel finally revealed the reason for his call. "It's so lovely to hear your voice again. I've been thinking about you a lot". His voice sounded softer and if she didn't know any better, Emilia would have thought he was a little nervous. But Daniel wouldn't be nervous around her. He could get any girl he wanted to, so why would she make him nervous? "I miss being in LA with you guys, life was a lot easier there". Emilia giggled, not really ready to reveal to him that she missed seeing him in particular. "Yeah, I wish we could have stayed for a while longer. Being here, by myself in a hotel room again, is pretty lonely. It made me realize that I really miss hanging out with you, Mil". Daniel said and Emilia didn't really know what to say. She had tried to keep the conversation light and funny, but the atmosphere had switched completely now. Emilia froze and when she opened her mouth to react to him, her voice gave up on her again.

"I know it may have caught you off guard, you don't have to answer right now, I'm sorry". Daniel said and she loved how he was thinking about her feelings straight away. Emilia really wanted to tell him how she felt, but she didn't really know herself yet. "Mil, are you still there?" She heard him ask. "Y-Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm a bit awkward when I'm not talking face to face with someone". Emilia tried to squeeze out a giggle to make it sound less uncomfortable. "Maybe we can do a FaceTime call next time?" It surprised them both that she was so forward now, but she really wanted to keep talking to him in the future, phone calls just weren't her forté. "That sounds good. Maybe Sunday after the race? We can have dinner together over FaceTime?" Daniel asked and Emilia smiled. "That would be lovely". She answered before she wished him good luck for this weekend and ended the call. It had been great hearing his voice again and even though it was quite difficult to open up, Emilia was proud of herself for doing so well.

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