10 | Your eyes

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Gang Of Youths - Keep Me in the Open:
'Tell me how I can do this thing. Tell me how I can help this thing go easily 'cause I'm trying honeybee. Tell me how I can beat this thing. Tell me how I can make this beast die easily, goddamn it honeybee'

W A R N I N G: mention of mature content

She felt his hands run all over her body while his tongue ran from her jaw to her sensitive spot just below her ear. He gently sucked a purple mark on her neck and she felt a tingling sensation shoot up her spine. His hand lovingly cupped her breast while he whispered how gorgeous she was in her ear. His fingers played with her hardened nipple while his other hand wandered down to her inner thigh. His thumb caressed her flesh and she loved the feeling of anticipation right before he moved his fingers ov-..

Emilia shot up and opened her eyes. She was breathing heavily and even though it had been far from a nightmare, having this kind of dream was very new to her. Sex had always been connected to a feeling of fear so this was something she had never experienced before. Why was she so curious about being intimate with Daniel? And even more importantly, why wasn't she scared? It was definitely Daniel in her dream, she recognized those strong hands and tattoos from a mile away. Emilia laid back down and closed her eyes again, trying to get the images of her dream back on her mind. After the things she felt during the movie and their kiss last night and waking up with this dream, it became clear to her. She wanted Daniel to be the one to touch her like that again after years of being afraid to even come close to a man. Emilia fell back asleep for a few more hours before her alarm woke her up and she got ready for her last full day with Daniel in a while.

At 12 o'clock, perfectly on time, Daniel arrived at her apartment. He had brought her another bouquet of flowers and Emilia put them in a vase, glancing over at the other bunch he had given her just a few days ago, still standing beautifully on her dining table. "You really didn't have to do this, Dan.. The other ones haven't even died yet!" Emilia giggled before she put the vase down on the coffee table and walked over to embrace him. A kiss on her forehead had become his signature move and she loved it. "I thought we could play a little game". She said a little while later, moving over to her cabinet and grabbing the 'Love Language Conversation Starter' box that she had been gifted on her birthday once. "It's just a bunch of cards with questions that we can ask each other. I know we have been talking a lot these past few days and this may help us come up with some different topics". Emilia looked at Daniel and he smiled while sitting down on the sofa, patting the spot next to him to invite her to sit there. "Sure, that sounds fun!"

Daniel grabbed the first card and glanced over at her before he read it out loud. "What memory instantly makes you smile?" He asked and Emilia didn't have to think about her answer for long. "Our night at the beach in LA.." She shyly said and Daniel nodded to let her know he agreed. "That was one of the best evenings I ever had. But these last few days have been amazing too". Emilia meant it, she hadn't felt this happy in a long time and it was all because of him. She leaned over to the table and grabbed the next card. She chuckled when she read it out loud. "If we break up tomorrow, what would you miss about me the most? Well, we're not even together so I'll grab the ne-.." "Your eyes.." Daniel answered while Emilia tried to grab a different card. She froze on the spot before turning back to look at him. "They're so pretty. But I would miss everything about you. I feel like we have become so close in such a short amount of time and if it all would go away right now, I would be really sad". He said causing tears to form in Emilia's eyes. 

"You are really sweet, Daniel". She said while she settled her hand on his arm. She leaned over and placed a tender kiss on his lips to thank him. "Want me to get the next card?" Daniel whispered while she was still very close to his face and Emilia let out a small giggle before pulling back. "What country would you love to visit someday?" He asked her and again, she didn't have to think long about her answer. "I have always said I wanted to visit Australia at least once". Emilia answered and she saw a huge smile grow on his face. "Well, maybe you should come with me when I go back home in the winter break then.." Daniel winked and even though she didn't know if he meant it or if he was just joking, Emilia felt excited. "Maybe I will". She tried to flirt back and she could almost see his thoughts running through his mind. She leaned over to grab the next card and before she opened her mouth, she already read what was on it. 'Am I really going to ask him this?' She thought but thinking back of her dream this morning, she decided to do it anyway. "Name three things that you find sexy in the bedroom". Emilia heard him swallow next to her and she looked up at him smiling to let him know it was okay to answer.

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