22 | My dearest Em

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Little Mix - Little Me:
'Wish I knew back then, what I know now. Wish I could somehow go back in time and maybe listen to my own advice. I'd tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out, talk a bit louder, be a bit prouder. Tell her she's beautiful, wonderful, everything she doesn't see'

A small gap between the curtains in Daniel's bedroom caused just enough sunlight on Emilia's face to wake her up. She stretched her arms above her head, looking to her left where her boyfriend was still peacefully sleeping. She decided to get up and head to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast to wake Daniel up with later. Wrapping the robe around her body, the thoughts of yesterday came flooding back into her mind. She had never felt like that before. Daniel had been so loving and they talked about it for a while afterwards, which was almost more important to her than what they did before that. Emilia took her phone, wanting to open Spotify but stumbled upon a pretty odd notification. It was an email from someone calling themselves M.

Her heart started beating faster, that letter always made her feel nauseous. With trembling fingers, she sat down on the stool at the kitchen island and tapped the notification to open it. "My dearest Em," It started and reading that nickname made Emilia's skin crawl. There was only one person that had ever called her that. "I see you have been busy selling yourself to the highest bidder? I know he might be rich and famous, but he will never treat you like I did". Emilia swallowed hard. He was right though, Daniel would never do the things he did to her. "I hope you still remember who you belong to. If not, I'll have to come and remind you some time.."  Her heart was now almost beating out of her chest and she quickly looked around the apartment, afraid he would know where she was. 

Luckily, no one was here with her, but she stood up anyway, walking over to the other side of the kitchen, so she had a full view of the room. One of the many things she learned to do in those 3,5 years with her ex. Emilia grabbed her phone again and continued reading. "You'll know I will find you anywhere, Em. Don't you worry, you're coming back home soon. Yours, M." A sudden wave of nausea came over her and Emilia sprinted towards the spare bathroom, disposing of anything that was left in her already empty stomach. She couldn't tell Daniel about this, she didn't want him to know. Luckily, she had become pretty good at hiding these types of things during her previous relationship. After she regained her breath and rinsed her mouth a few times, she left the bathroom to see Daniel standing in the kitchen, holding her phone. 'Oh no..'

"Good morning babe, I was just trying to put on some music, but my phone is dead so I've been searching through your Spotify. Spice Girls, really?" He chuckled and Emilia let out the breath she had been holding since the moment she saw him. 'He didn't see the email..' "I was their biggest fan when I was little and sometimes a girl just needs a good 'Spice Up Your Life moment". She quickly said, there was no lie told there. Daniel walked over to her and brushed a few hairs behind her ears before he leaned down to kiss her neck. "I thought we did that last night already.." Emilia could feel his grin against her ear and giggled. "We definitely did". She quickly turned out of his embrace, walking back towards the bedroom, mumbling she needed to take her pill. She did, but she desperately wanted to brush her teeth as well.

When she entered the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror and immediately spotted the fear-filled eyes she always had when Marcus had done something to her. Even though she hadn't seen him and he was probably nowhere near her, this email was the first thing she had heard of him in almost two and a half years. After she reached Isabel's house, the night he had given her another black eye and a broken shoulder, they had blocked him on everything and applied for a new phone number for Emilia. He probably saw the photos she and Gia shared last night and created a new email address to reach her, seeing her work email was public. She quickly took her birth control pill, brushed her teeth and took one last deep breath in the mirror before she turned around and headed back to the kitchen where Daniel was now preparing the breakfast she wanted to make for him.

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