Stefan gets up and walks to Klaus "Thank you my friend" Klaus compels him "You no longer have to do as I say. Your free" Klaus smiles

Mystic Grill
3rd Person:

Chris is sitting on a stool at the bar, alone after ruining his friends only chance at killing Klaus and Chris took it upon himself to destroy Mikael instead since he considered him to be more of a threat and as much as he gets annoyed at Klaus he doesn't believe that he would be able to put that stake through his chest

He goes to leave and sees Damon and Elena "Hey look, it's the guy who kept Klaus alive" Damon says

"Yes Damon. It is I" Chris responds

"Why did you do that?" Elena asks

"Because Elena, you were all being stupid in believing you could potentially put your trust in Mikael. If you say Klaus is really powerful then bring someone who's even more powerful here, litteraly makes no sense because if you did get rid of Klaus he would become our problem, and an even bigger one that Klaus. Your just making things worse so, I fixed it. Your welcome" He sarcastically responds with some extreme truth scattered in there

"Don't mind me" A voice calls behind them, making the three of them turn to see

"Klaus" Elena says in shock and Damon stands a little in front of her to protect her from Klaus if he did try to do anything

"Why are you here Klaus. Mikaels dead, I thought you would leave or something now?" Chris says

Klaus smirks "You wouldn't really want me gone" He laughs then gets serious "My sister seems to be missing. Need to sort that out" He tells them all

"Cute, blond bomshell, psycho? Shouldn't be too hard to find" Damon says

"Truth is. I've grown to like your little town. Thinking I might fancy a home here" They look at him with wide eyes "I imagine you're wondering, how does this affect you? The answer is not in the slightest. As long as I get what I want, you can go on living your lives how you choose" He then looks Chris in the eyes "You have my word"

"What more could you possibly want Klaus? Your dad has been killed you can go on with your life now while we do our thing" Chris asks in an annoyed tone

Klaus walk up to Chris, he stands so close Chris can practically feel his hot breath while he breaths "Well, you could tell me where Stefan is?" He spoke in a gruffed tone

Damon then walked up to Klaus "Stefan skipped town the second he was free from your ass"

"Well that's a shame. Your brother stole from me. I need him so I can take back what's mine" Klaus says seriously and annoyed since Stefan has stole all his coffins containing his family

"That sounds like a Klaus-and-Stefan problem" Elena says confidently, until Klaus walks up to her and she backs up a bit frightened, Damon yet again steps up to protect her and stands in front of her, using himself as a sheild for Elena

"Well this is me broadening the scope sweetheart" Klaus threatened her in a low, deep tone then he casually walked to the bar to get a drink as Damon and Elena stormed out quickly to escape Klaus

Chris decides to go over to Klaus since curiousity gets the better of him "So, what did Saint ol' Stefan do that was so bad you need to threaten us"

"Well love, if you must know, he stole my family, the Originals. You already know who they are, daggered and boxed up awaiting the day when I saw fit to wake them and he went and pinched the bloody lot" Klaus says with a hint of sadness in his voice from losing his family, but tries to cover it up in the presence of Chris

Chris chuckles "Yes, I know how they are, considering I've spoke to them before"

Klaus laughs "Haha yeah. Elijah and my dear sister"

"And Kol" Chris smiles and Klaus's face falls and he looks at Chris dead in the eyes

"What, how?" He grumbles not liking how he spoke to his brother when he's surpose to be daggered

"I have my ways, Klaus" Chris says then Klaus storms off angrily to go and see what he can do to try and get his family back, leaving Chris to drink alone for a while

To get his family back Klaus tried to have Jeremy killed or extremely injured but instead Alaric was the one who got killed: run over by a car from one of his hybrids. But nevertheless, Elena still caved and offered Klaus a deal and gave him Rebekahs daggered body back in exchange for sparing Jeremys life. He accepted, but not without threatening her with harming any other person

Mystic Falls high
3rd Person:

Elena was decorating Carolines locker for her birthday while Chris stands by and helps by passing her the stuff "Do you think she will like it?" Elena says a bit worried she may not

"It's Caroline, and this is all big and flashy. She's going to like it Elena" Chris reasures as Bonnie speed walks over to them with a big 'Happy Birthday Caroline!"

"Hey. Sorry I'm late. I, uh, got held up" She says out of breath

"It's okay, we were just doing this. We not long got here to be honest" Chris points to the massively decorated Caroline locker. Chris then picks uo the balloons and gives them to Elena to tape onto the locker

"What got you running late?" Elena wonders

"I, uh, was working on some new spells. What about you two?" Bonnie responds a little suspicious since the truth is she has been hiding Klaus's coffins for Stefan. But Stefan had the thought the less people who knew the better, expecially since he didn't know whether to trust Chris since had his little connection to the Originals. And Elena would instantly reveal where they are once Klaus threatens her once so he didn't want her to know aswell

"Working with Alaric" Elena says that's what she was up to recently

"I was at the Grill" Chris responds. Bonnie then lifts up the Caroline birthday sign she brought, with a smile and Elena took it from her and hung it on the locker

"So, I have something to tell you. And your not going to like it" Elena says sadly

"Oh god. What's happened now?" Chris groans, Bonnie nods in agreement

Elena takes a deep breath "Jeremy's gonna be leaving town for a while" Bonnie creases her eyebrows "He'll be staying with family friends in Denver until the whole Klaus thing blows over"

Bonnie starts to get a little mad "Jeremy wouldn't just leave you to deal with Klaus on your own"

Elena looks down and back up at Bonnie in regret "I know. I asked Damon to compel him"

"You what"
"What" Chris and Bonnie shouted together as they can't believe that Elena is selfishly taking Jeremys life into her own hands

"I know. But it's not safe for him here anymore. Leaving will give him a better life" She tries to make it sound better

"It's not safe for any of us around here anymore, Elena. Shall we all just pack up and move then" Chris says huffing a little pissed

"Yes. But I can do some about keeping Jeremy safe. I'm telling you Bonnie so you can have a chance to say goodbye" Elena argues

Bonnie looks around sadly and sees Jeremy down the long hallway thinking about how soon she may not be seeing him for a while

TVD: Bennett Witches -Book 1Where stories live. Discover now