Chapter 14 - Are You Sleeping With Beiste???

Start from the beginning

Maybe he's right. I mean, it would help a lot.

"I think I just found my Canadian Goose incident." I say with a confident smile while looking at Coach Beiste yelling at the kid.
Me and Quinn were in her room studying for a test we have. It's an algebra ll test and I am not ready for it. I was laying on her bed on my back and Quinn is sitting next to me.

"Can't I just copy off of you?" I question while groaning and Quinn sighs and puts her book down.

"No, you need to know this stuff. If you just copy off me, you won't actually be learning it." Quinn explains to me and tugs a strand of hair behind my ear. Oh, I forgot to mention, I washed the blonde dye out of my hair and now I'm back to brunette.

"Why do I need to learn y = ax^2+bx+c?" I ask serious and slam my book on her bed and flip my body over and bury my head into the bed.

Quinn takes my head out of her bed and holds my head up by my chin.

"Because it's gonna help you later in life. Somehow." She replies while making a face that says "I'm not to sure but it's whatever."

"How is a that gonna help me in life?? Why are letters even in math? Math is numbers??" I say confused and annoyed at the fact that math is so complicated and irritating.

"I don't know, but they will help you somehow. Look at Albert Einstein. He was one of the smartest people to ever live and you wanna know why?" Quinn asks with a raised eyebrow and I sigh before answering her.

"Why?" I sigh out again and gently run my hairs through my soft hair.

"Because he studied hard. Day and night." Quinn states and I groan loudly in annoyance.

"I don't wanna study. I'm just gonna use math papa and copy the answers from there." I reply while grabbing my phone to search up math papa but Quinn takes my phone from me.

"No, no cheating Reb." Quinn says while holding my phone in her hands and I let out a louder groan. "How about we take a snack break?" She asked with a calm smile and my face changed from vexed to gleaming. I rapidly nod my head while licking my lips. Quinn laughs and stands up and I follow her. We walk out the room towards the kitchen.

"You ready for our date next Saturday?" I ask while wiggling my eyebrows at her and she turns to look at me as we walk down the stairs.

"Yup, your gonna have so much fun next Saturday Reb." Quinn whispers to me in a suggestive way and I smirk as we reach the bottom of the step. We walk down the hall and top the kitchen. Once we get to the kitchen, I see something unexpected.

My mom was kissing some random guy I didn't know!! Me and Quinn's jaws are dropped and we look at them with shock in our faces.

Just then, we hear footsteps behind us. Sam is walking toward us while looking down at his phone. Once he approaches the kitchen, he looks up at us.

"Why are you guys just standing here- WOAH WHAT THE HELL?!!" Sam cuts himself off as he looks towards my mom and the guy and his eyes widen.

My mom and the guy quickly pull away from each other and turn to us with wide eyes. My mom looks scared for some reason. I should be the one who is scared.

"Um kids!" My mom says surprised but also kinda embarrassed. She wipes her lips with her thumb and the guy clears his throat. The guy had long curly blonde hair, a defined chin, a light mole on his cheek, small thin lips and a button nose. The weird thing about it is, he kinda looks like me and Sam. Wtf!!

"What did we just walk into?" Quinn says with wide eyes and I nod my head while looking at them weirdly.

"Yea, what is this mom?" I ask while folding my arms like an interrogator.

My Broken Rebel - Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now