50.2:"Devil inside us".

Start from the beginning

"I can provide her with whatever she needs". He said

She narrows her eyes at his words, "I can provide for myself with whatever I need after recovering my bank card, of course".

"What happened to that?" Zaheer asked causing him to roll his eyes

"Um, I was kidnapped? Remember?" She asked smiling tightly

"Right. If you are done, the door is right behind you". He said waving him off

"Take my number from him once you recover your phone". Zaheer said walking away before he could snap at him again

"What do you have in mind for breakfast?" He asked walking towards the kitchen

"I-I-". She stuttered and he turns around looking at her, "I can't eat".


"I don't feel good. I feel nauseous at the thought of food". She said shrugging

"Do you want to visit a doctor?" He asked concerned taking a step forward cruising himself for not getting her checked last night

"No. No. I need to meet my mother. I can head to the doctor then". She assured him

He sighs, "Ok. Let's go then. Will your mother be home?"

"She is too old to be out".

She turns to look at him wearing a cap and mask as they stand on the street and in front of her house.

"Do you have to wear them?" She asked anxiously as she has to knock any moment now

"Yes. I don't want people to recognise me".

She made a face, "You are not that famous".

"As a matter of fact, I am".

"I think you are hiding from your debt collectors".

He pressed the bell before she could so she can stop wasting their time with this unnecessary argument. The door opened after a few moments and her mother gasped looking at her. She walks towards her mother who stepped back and she frowns because she wanted to embrace her.

"Mama?" She said confused

"You- why are you here?" Her mother asked shocked

"Mama, I was abducted. I was taken to a bad place. I can explain everything if you give me a chance-". She started as she moves her hand to place it on her mother's shoulder who pushed it away

"Explain? Abducted? You mean to tell me all this week you were with some men?" Her mother screamed

"What?" She asked taken back by her words, "I didn't--".

"No. You can't be here". Her mother said cutting her off

"I swear I didn't wanted it to happen. I was just doing our grocery when they--".

"I don't want to hear it".

"Please, I promise I will never disappoint you again".

"I said I don't want to hear you and I don't want you here".

Her heart clenched. She could feel everything ripping out of her hands like a sand in one hand.

"Mama, let me explain".

Maybe she knew no words will bring anything back to her. The fierce look and disgust in her mother's eyes was enough of a proof of what she was about to get. The pain courses through her to see her mother looking down at her. She was the only one she has lived for even after all the tragedies. She didn't stop her work, hustle and living just so she could provide for her old mother.

Why wasn't she giving her a chance?

"No. Your father was an honourable man even after his death. He shouldn't have this stigma on his man because of his daughter. First, you fell in love then you killed your husband. That is enough on his name he shouldn't have this on his name".

She feels the inside clenching at the words after words registered in her head.

"Mama, please". She pleaded as tears streamed down her face, "I am sorry. I am sorry. It was all my fault".

"No. No. Leave". Her mother said angrily, "Leave-".

The bell rings and her mother pushed her into the kitchen with him. She stands there thinking about how to persuade her mother to forgive her and to not do this to her when she heard the next words of her neighbour.

"Today is the third day of your daughter death so we thought we should bring you some food".

Her mother announced her death even when she was alive.


This last part was literally something hard to write

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This last part was literally something hard to write. I had an idea of how I was going to do it but I never thought it will get this hard :(

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