Chapter 76.

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Dragging Sho to the corner of the room, away from the prying ears of the spectators, Kyoko minced her teeth. "Do you have any idea what you just did? Now everyone here knows about the Beagle!"

"You're the one who said it, not me," he snorted.

Kyoko cupped her face to hide it. She didn't care much about the others, but only what Ren could be thinking right now. She wanted so badly to explain everything to him, to talk to him, but she couldn't even dare look up to meet his eyes, which she knew were stuck in her direction.

"You sure are pathetic," Sho sighed remorsefully. "After all this time, I thought you finally caught yourself a man, even if he was a psychotic stalker, but it turned out like this. You're probably destined to die alone."

"I don't need your sympathy! I'm well aware of the lack of my love life, and whose fault is that to begin with? You're the one who made me like this! Robbing me of the one thing - the only thing I had in all my life!"

"And what's that?"

"Love! It's because of you the I can't love anyone anymore! So stop showing me your pity! It pisses me off even more!"

"It can't be helped though. After all, it's Valentine's Day and the only guy you gave chocolates to was that creepy stalker." Sho shook his head. "Tsk. Tsk."

"How presumptuous of you! Actually, I've never given chocolates to this many people as I have the this year! There are at least ten people from the Dark Moon set alone," Kyoko boasted.

Suddenly, something ticked Sho off, and he cocked his head at her furiously. "Ten people from Dark Mook?" He glanced at Ren, the question clear in his eyes, and Kyoko followed his gaze to find that Ren was still looking at the two of them. His face perfectly impassive and devoid of emotion.

"What about him?" Sho voiced his thoughts, stepping unnecessarily close to her in order to intimidate her.

"I- uh, I didn't give any chocolates to him," she stopped herself before said too much.

"Then what?" Unfortunately, Sho had caught on. "If not chocolates, what did you give him?"

Colour rushed to her cheeks and the tips of her ears without permission, tinging them bright red. "That's none of your business!"

Sho immediately noticed how quickly she blushed, and something churned in his stomach. "Fine, don't tell me. I don't care anyway," he lied. To distract himself, he reached into his pocket and took out a small piece of chocolate candy. "Wanna try?" Without waiting for an answer, he popped the candy into her mouth.

Kyoko was about to complain, but as the sweet syrup of chocolate exploded in her mouth into a savoury delight, she couldn't help a moan. "Mmmm."

"How is it?"

"So good," she answered without meaning to.

"Is that so? Then I'll have a taste too."

It all happened so fast that Kyoko's brain went haywire leaving her body completely defenseless as Sho grabbed her collar and pulled her into a kiss.

Between the sweet taste of chocolate and his soft rubbery lips pressing against her own, moving first very lightly before picking up pace, Kyoko couldn't react at all. She was lost in something. Maybe it was the minty tang of his mouth and his slippery tongue forcing its way inside. Or maybe it was the pressure of his soft lips crushing upon hers, and the minute hair on his clean shaven jaw biting into her delicate skin. It could have also been the shape of his aquiline nose digging into her face. Whatever it may be, Kyoko was too lost in it to object, before the reality of the matter finally registered in her brain.

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