Chapter 3.

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The next day when Kyoko left for work, she kept thinking about Sho. She knew that she had to apologize to him or things would only get worse. She went to a phone booth and called him.

Unsurprisingly, the call straight went to voicemail. So she left a message.
"Sho, I'm sorry about yesterday, for making you mad. I don't know what those other girls think, but to me, you're way cooler than Ren Tsuruga could ever hope to be. You'll always be my number one." She put down the receiver and then left for work.

I wonder if that cheered him up, she thought. She wanted to see him so badly that she wished she could visit him.




When she was done at the cafe she remembered that Darumaya was closed that day, which meant that she could go see Sho. She had never visited him at his agency before but luckily, she remembered him once mentioning where his studio was in the agency building. She just had to get inside the building somehow. And she had a solution for that too. She was already wearing a cafe apron. She just bought some burgers and was ready to go.

When Kyoko arrived at the agency, she was surprised to see a mob of fangirls waiting outside. They were all chatting about Sho. She knew that he was getting popular but she clearly underestimated how popular.

There were two guards at the door. When she approached them, they saw her apron and the burgers that she was carrying. Mistaking her for a delivery girl, they let her in, just like she had intended. She was relieved that it worked out so smoothly.

When Kyoko got in, she went straight to the elevator and then on to the eighth floor. There she saw a room which had a name plate on it's slightly ajar door. The words SHO FUWA were written on it. She smiled. She certainly didn't expect it to be so easy.

As she was about to knock, she heard her name in Sho's voice, from inside. So she instinctively stopped to listen.

"...Kyoko again. She is such a pain." Sho mimicked her voice, "You will always be my number one. Like it means anything coming from a nobody like her."

"Don't you think that you are being a little harsh, Sho." Another voice replied. It was a woman's voice. "That nobody works three part time jobs to pay your rent. And aren't you the one who brought her here in the first place?"

"Hey," Sho said, "we are talking about me here. I grew up in a mansion which means that I had servants to do my cooking and cleaning for me. If I had come here alone, I surely would have starved to death, before making it to the agency. I needed someone to do those things for me. Kyoko always seemed eager to do my work. Even back at home, she gladly did my homework for me."

"So it seems, you brought her here only for taking care of you and doing your household chores and stuff, right?" The female voice asked.

"Obviously. Since we were young, Kyoko did everything I asked. She never became upset about whatever I said to her. If not for that, there's no way I would have chosen a country girl like her to come with me." He replied.

Shock was an understatement to describe what Kyoko experienced in that moment. She felt like something twisted inside her. Those were the locks, of her Pandora box. She was overwhelmed with emotions.

Shock, disbelief, anger, devastation, rage, anguish. All those feelings rushed into her so strong that something was buried deep beneath them, until it choked and died. It was love. She felt the love in her, disintegrate and die. Her Pandora box was finally being unlocked, however, before her love could even make it out, it was choked by the weight of these new found demons of hers.

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