Chapter 73.

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As usual, the moment Takarada stepped inside the agency wearing another of his weird outfits, the staff members shook their heads in resignation and sighed. But upon closer inspection, even they could see that something was a bit different that day.

The President was used to going overboard in whatever scheme he cooked up. So when his favourite day of the year was approaching, it was only natural that he went above and beyond. His behaviour was imaginable.

It was only the start of February, yet Lory Takarada already went so far as to take out his cupid cosplay costume and put it on. His smile was a bit too wide than usual, his eyes a bit too sparkling, and his fake cupid wings a bit too soft.

His costume even had a bow and quiver attached to it with heart shaped arrows inside it.

"Good morning!" He exclamed flashing a grin to his employees, who tried to reflect his enthusiasm and respond as cheerfully as possible.

Hearing the commotion, Kanae Kotonami, aka Moko, while she was having a drink with Swara in the cafeteria to discuss some work-related issues, cocked her head at the President and gasped aloud, her eyes nearly popping out of her skull from shock. "Holy Cow! What's up with him?"

Swara only offered her a tired sigh in response.

"I mean, seriously, why the heck is he acting so wierd?" Moko asked again.

"Isn't he always weird?" Swara replied.

"Yeah, know what I mean! Why is he being weirder than usual?" Her eyes remained glued to the Takarada as the President made his way towards his office while exchanging pleasantries with the staff. "Are those wings? Is he supposed to be cupid?"

"Apparently so. It's february. He'll be like that until Valentine's Day passes. Which reminds me, I was supposed to inform you and Ms Mogami that he makes everyone who works here give chocolates to someone they love on Valentine's Day."

"Everyone?" She almost shouted.

"Specially young people like you. What can I say? The President loves love."

Clenching her first, Moko exclaimed. "Nope! No way! I'm not gonna do something so embarrassing like giving away chocolates on Valentine's Day!"

"He'll personally ask you. Specially you and Ms Mogami, since you too are the members of the Love Me Division."

"So I'll just lie about it."

"You think you can fool the President?" Swara snorted. " Good luck with that."

"Do you know how many calories chocolates have? And it's also so expensive. It's only a waste of time and money." She sighed in resignation. "But I guess I have no choice now, since the President is involved."

"Do me a favour and inform Ms Mogami about this too if you get in touch with her."

Moko grunted aloud. "She would not be happy to hear this."




That evening, Kyoko was on her way back home when she stopped at the supermarket to pick up some groceries. While she shopped there, her ears suddenly perked up when she heard it: the enthusiastic squealing of girls her own age as they swooned over a counter decorated with beautifully wrapped and delicious looking chocolates.

Kyoko looked at them pitifully and sighed with remorse. Judging from the way their eyes were shining, she could pretty much guess what those chocolates were for. It was all because that wretched day was coming.

Loveless (Book 1) [Completed] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt