Chapter 50.

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"Stop!" Sho yelled at Reino as he sprang after him, but the vocalist of the Vie Ghouls didn't oblige. He continued to walk even faster, until Sho jammed one of his foot against a tree trunk with a thud, pinning the tail of his coat in between.

Reino tried tugging his coat back, but it stayed firmly trapped where it was. He pulled it harder, but to no avail. "You're strong. I mean, despite how you look."

Sho didn't deign it necessary to comment. Instead, through clenched teeth, he bit out, "what do you want with Kyoko? I'm the one you were copying. Why are you going after her then?"

"I changed my objective," Reino answered, his tone so nonchalant as if they were discussing the weather.

"What do you mean?" Sho demanded. "What do you get out of her?"

"It's simple, hate. I want her to hate me like she hates you."

What the heck? Letting his foot drop, Sho narrowed his eyes, his brows furrowed in puzzlement. He put his pinky in his ear and rubbed it, thinking he must have heard wrong, before he inquired, "what on earth are you aiming for here?"

"My aim is to be in control of her heart," turning to Sho, Reino answered, "right now she hates you so much that you can basically control her emotions. That's the power I'd like to possess. When she was earlier mad at you for letting us steal your song, if only you had seen what I could see. Her aura, so blatantly horrifying yet radiating, dark and beautiful as the starless, night sky. I was captivated; entirely bewitched. From now on, I'll do everything I can, to make her hate me much more than she hates you. I want her to think of me at every waking moment and I want to haunt her dreams while she sleeps. No matter what you do, you cannot stop me from ruining her. If you dare raise a hand against me, I'll just take you down with her." He flashed his wide, creepy green one last time before he turned to walk away again.

This guy is seriously twisted! Did he escape from the nuthouse or something? Sho was so shocked that he remained still for a moment before pursuing his quarry again. He streched out his arm and got a hold of Reino's neck, tugging him to a stop.

Once they were still, Sho grabbed both sides of Reino's collar and shook him hard. His eyes glinted a dangerous, deathly warning when he spoke. "Cut that out! Quit talking about her life she is some object!"

Reino's smirk didn't waver. "Are you gonna say something sappy now, like how you let me get away with stealing your songs, but you won't allow me to take your girl?" He chuckled amusingly.

"Yeah, that's right" Sho snapped. "I knew you could never perform my song better than me, that's why I let you get away with publishing it without suing you. But now I'll show you what happens when you try to take away what's mine!" Sho squeezed Reino's collar, pulling him close as he bashed his knee on his gut with all the impact he could muster. Reino, having his breath knocked out of him, grimaced painfully.

After only a single blow to the stomach, Reino hit the ground and curled up in the foetal position, with his mouth gaping open.

"Unlike my songs," Sho mumbled as he grabbed Reino by the mane of his silver hair, holding his head up, "just because you put your dirty hands on her, there's no way I'll give her up to you! Not her!"

Despite his features twisting in pain, Reino managed a chuckle. "You should have listened to that man. Now that you've hit me, I'm gonna ruin your career. This act of violence from you will be the trigger that will expose this incident. It will lead to Kyoko's downfall. And now yours as well. Man, you really are stupid." He laughed aloud.

Sho didn't seem worried at all. "That's right. Once I let you go, there is nothing stopping you from making this incident public." A smug smile slowly crept up to his lips. "However, it's only possible as long as you have enough strength left to walk out of here." He menacingly cracked his knuckles, as a clear sign of what was about to come.

Loveless (Book 1) [Completed] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon