Chapter 17.

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During the next few weeks, Kyoko spent most of her time at the acting classes to catch up. Every day she learned a lot of new stuff and had a blast. But one thing was still wrong. Moko was still ignoring her for some reason.

When the class was over, she went to her and tried to talk to her for the hundredth time this week.

"Hey, Moko. What's up?" She flashed the friendliest smile she could manage.

Moku walked right past her with an annoyed look on her face.

On her whole way to the agency up to the elevator, Kyoko kept thinking about what she could have done wrong to make Moko so mad at her, but nothing came to her mind.

As the elevator's doors opened, a tall man with straight jet black hair, entered. She was so startled to see him that she ran out of the elevator, screaming, leaving the man to wonder if she was a lunatic.

She didn't want to act this way, but she couldn't help it. Since she gave Ren Tsuruga the finger, she had been extra careful and overly cautious to not run into him. So far, she had been lucky.

But whenever she saw any tall man with dark hair, she'd freak out and run as if she'd seen a ghost.

I can't help it, she thought. It's a reflex. I wish I hadn't done that. It's too late now. Even so, I'd never win in an argument with him. I just wanna get back at him somehow. He pisses me off so much.

She walked the rest of the way through the stairs, when she saw Swara talking to someone on his phone.

"What? He backed out due to injury," he paused to listen. "What am I supposed to do? It's rather late to find a substitute."

Kyoko didn't wish him because she didn't want to interrupt, but she still bowed to him and continued walking.

When he noticed her, his face lit up. "Ms Mogami!" He called out.




Moko was changing into the stupid pink jumpsuit in the Love Me room when Kyoko burst in screaming, "I got news! I got news! Really big news!"

Moko glared at her.

"Come on, you can't be still mad, we're best friends after all," Kyoko said when she saw her glaring.

It had been Kyoko's life dream to have a best friend of her own. Since childhood, she'd never had any girlfriends. All her previous classmates used to resent her and bully her. It came down to him again. They were jealous of her because she was close to Sho. The fact that they lived in the same house only fuelled their resentment towards her. And she ended up alone not having any other friend besides Sho.

Him, she thought angrily. Always him. I hate him so much.

"What's up the bad vibes all of a sudden?" Moko said frantically when she saw her face fueling up. "What is it? Let's just get it over with."

Oh, right, Kyoko remembered about that big news which, fortunately, made her forget about Sho. "You are not gonna believe this. We got a TV gig!" She exclaimed excitedly.




"Yes. We'll do it," Moko said to the director of the talk show, in which they were supposed to perform. "After all, we are the sole members of the Love Me Division. We work hard to make others love us. The job is built right into the name," she said proudly.

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