Chapter 39.

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"Hey stranger," Kyoko flashed him a grin. "I thought I recognised this car. What are the chances?"

His eyes blinked with surprise and for a moment he just stared at her. Rolling down the car window, he couldn't help smiling the most genuine smile he had ever shown any one since he built this image of Ren Tsuruga. He let down the walls around him entirely and left his emotions completely defenseless and free to run wild and to be displayed on his face, like the surge of heat coursing through every vein of his body, the relief and happiness flooding inside for finally realizing the truth, and most of all, love. The irresistible and incalculable love he felt for the girl in front of him. "Well, how about that? Fancy meeting you here."

Getting such a genuinely jovial smile from Ren caught Kyoko completely off guard. She was expecting him to be drowning in the dumps like before, but his aura was suddenly radiating. His angelic smile was so bright that it almost compelled her and her heart skipped a beat.

It was then Ren realized that even if he now knew his feelings for Kyoko, he wasn't supposed to show it to her because that would only freak her out. Besides, he had no intention of changing things between the two of them. At least not now. So in an instant, he built back up those walls around him which hid his true emotions with the stoic, impassive shell and the cool facade of a poker face.

"Hey, so I know it's a little bit out of the blue and everything," Kyoko went on, "but what would you think if I... I suddenly felt like cooking you some dinner?"

His heart swelled again but this time he didn't show it. If he wanted to keep his feelings in check, he should be staying away from Kyoko, especially now. But here she was at the worst time possible. Ren knew her showing up here wasn't simply a coincidence. So he silently cursed the traitor who had put him in this situation, Damn it, Yashiro!

His lips twisted into his perfect signature smile which was so forced that it might as well be dripped in venom. "I think it's an excellent idea."

Kyoko shuddered and took an easy step back. Not that smile again! What happened? He was fine a minute ago. I don't get it! Does he hate being cooked for?




After Kyoko had cooked the dinner and put it on the table, she finally decided to break the awful silence which had been hanging between them since the whole evening. "Um...Ren?"

"Yeah?" He flashed his perfect signature smile again, which was more cold and fake than last time. "What's up?"

"I feel like you've been real upset about something lately?" Her voice came out horse. It was a miracle she was able to speak at all while being the victim of that deadly cold smile.

"Really? Me, upset?" His smile widened. Any other girl would have fallen for this facade but Kyoko knew better. "A charming girl comes over and cooks me dinner out of the blue. What's there to be upset about?"

Nice try but I can tell that you're upset! She shot back silently. Or you wouldn't have plastered on that smile.

"This all looks delicious, thank you." Looking at the dishes, he mumbled once they sat down at the table.


As they ate, silence once again consume the air and it felt plain awkward. Kyoko tried to come up with anything to say but failed. Her eyes drifted around the room searchingly trying to find something to talk about. "Um...can we turn on the TV?" Her eyes lingered on the remote hopefully.

Loveless (Book 1) [Completed] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя