Chapter 61.

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There was an unmistakable sharpness and hostility in his features as he treaded inside the President's living room. His dark eyes were cool and arctic which remained glued to Hizuri as he walked up to him, not even glancing at Takarada.

Hizuri sprang up to his feet from the sofa upon his arrival.

"I only agreed to come," Ren began once they were standing face to face, "because I want to ask-"

"About that girl's performance as Kuon?" Hizuri guessed.

Ren's eyes narrowed. His face devoid of any emotion. "There is only one thing I want to know. How much have you told her?"


"She knows what your son was like when he was all pure and innocent. What about the rest? You asked her to act out Kuon for you because you loved him when he was young, right? Because you miss him before he transformed into this wild, hateful rogue with a twisted mentality, who sees this crooked world for what it really is."

"That's not-"

"I understand." Ren cut him off. His eyes burning with cold fury. "I know how much you want your old son back, when he used to be all bright and sunny, but he is gone now. So-" he was interrupted when Hizuri reached out to him and flicked on his forehead. "Ouch!" Ren exclaimed, more from surprise than from the pain. "What was that for?"

"Loved?" Hizuri spat through clenched teeth. His anger apparent on his face. "Would you stop using the past tense?" His voice turned pained and desperate. "I still love my son with all my heart, and it shame that he can't see it. I don't care what people say about him. No matter how roguish he has become, I'll always love. He can never be replaced by anyone else."

"I don't understand," Takarada, who had been sitting back quietly and watching the show, finally intervened. "Why are you talking about Kuon in the third person? It feels so odd."

"You're the one who started it, Boss!" Hizuri complained. "Putting that idea in his head to ditch his past and build this new identity of Ren Tsuruga. I know how persistent he is. He'll not break character no matter what."

"When you two met at the studio, there were ears everywhere so it's a good thing Ren didn't break character then," Takarada replied. "But right now, there's no risk of anyone overhearing us. So you two can have a normal father and son conversation here."

They both glanced at each other before looking down. They had a thousand things to say, yet neither was quite certain at where to begin.

At last, Hizuri broke the silence lingering between them. "I want to make sure that you are not pushing yourself too hard. Just take it easy."

Ren's had drooped down even further. After a long pause he spoke, "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize. Because I understand," Hizuri seated himself and motioned for Ren to join him. "You came to know about Kyoko Mogami, then I'll tell you. I did not ask her to act out Kuon because of me. It was just her performance for her special training. She was having trouble getting into character of a new role. But thanks to that exercise, her doubts have been cleared."

Hizuri told him a gist of the day's events, and also Kyoko single weakness which she needed to overcome in order to rise through her ranks.

"It's all about her preference," he explained. "If the role she is playing is suited to her choice, she'll slip into it like a chameleon. She is a pretty scary type of actor, the same as you."


"Yeah. The type who totally lose themselves when they get too attached to the character. Honestly, weren't you surprised to see her Kuon right before your eyes?"

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