Chapter 69.

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Is that tape? Yashiro thought as he strolled through the corridor on his way to Ren's apartment. I wonder who put it there?

The door swung open after he rang the bell, and he was rather surprised to see Ren with sleep-deprived eyes.

"What happened?" The manager demanded.

Ren narrated to him the events from last night and the manager sighed, shaking his head. "I guess I should've known this the minute you told me Kyoko was at your place. Now I know what that tape was about."

Ren ushered him inside, and the manager followed. "So were you up all night? Did you get any sleep at all?"

"I did. We were done a little before five, and then I passed out the moment I crashed on my bed."

Yashiro glanced at his wrist watch. It was seven am. "Only 2 hours!" He shook his head disappointedly.

"Relax. It's a long drive. I'll get some more sleep in the car."

Yashiro bent down to take off his shoes and his eyes widened with absolute shock at the sight of a pair of heeled-sandals. He cocked his head up to look at Ren. His eyes brimming with silent curiosity.

"Yep, she did stay over." Ren nodded as if he could read his thoughts. "This is not the first time, you know. She also stayed over when she was acting as my substitute manager."

"But that was different. You were so sick then. How on earth did you convince her now?"

"She knew I wasn't going to let her go alone when it was still dark, and I was too tired to drive her myself. So I offered her the guest room and she was too tired herself to object."

"So was it worth it?" Yashiro asked. "Your training, I mean? Did she develop her character?"

"She'll show you herself," a mysterious smile tugged on Ren's lips as he led his manager to the guest room. He knocked twice, but when he got no response, he pushed open the door and found Kyoko sitting on the floor leaning on the bed. Her eyes were closed and there was a soft smile on her lips as if she was lost in a good dream.

"It seems I'll have to wait to see whatever it was." Yashiro pointed out.

"Well, she did work really hard last night. Since I taught her everything I knew as fast as I could. Fortunately, she's a quick learner."

"So, you think she'll finally be able to create her Natsu? Now that she has found her motivation."

"Lets just say, I wouldn't bet against it," Ren smirked.

"But she might still need some time."

"No, she won't." Yashiro could feel the faith Ren had for her in the tone of his voice. "Once she gets interested in a role, she takes almost no time to create it." Ren explained, his proud smile returning. "That girl will be one hell of a scary villain when she wakes up." He said nodding at Kyoko, who was still sleeping as peacefully as a baby cherub.




Chiori Amamiya didn't usually fill in her diary in the morning, but this particular morning was an exception. After all, today was the day she was finally getting her role back from that stuck-up feeble actress who was only good to act Mio.

When Amamiya had first heard about Box R and read about it's characters, she had been obsessed. Specifically with Natsu Kitazawa.

Because Natsu was a girl who was never satisfied. She had it all, beauty, talent and charisma. Yet, there was something which always stayed missing. It was this emptiness which gave birth to her inner demons, making her this mean, sadistic person. She always had a smile on her face, through which she succeeded in making everyone believe that she was a nice person. But in reality, she was hiding her darkness beneath the facade of this charming personality.

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