Chapter 7.

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It was a very busy day. The atmosphere was very lively and exhilaration was in the air at LME. Since the auditions were held, the place was bustling with excitement.

Yet Lori Takarada was feeling perturbed. He should be looking forward to the casting arrangements and the training of the newer clients, but something was stuck in his mind.

He picked up a résumé from his table and studied the picture pasted on it. It belonged to a sixteen-year-old girl with ginger hair. Her name was Kyoko Mogami. She was one of the contestants who had failed during the second round of the open casting auditions. Her performance was absolutely brilliant but she lacked a very basic factor, which caused her to fail.

Takarada sighed and put the résumé back on the table. He was a very curious and perspective man. He always had an intuition, a gut feeling about every person he had ever met. What was impressive about him, was the fact that people always turned out to be what he had predicted.

Kyoko Mogami was an exception. The moment he laid eyes on her, he knew that she possessed something special. Which she did, her acting skills were pretty intense. With proper training, she could top the charts. Yet, she didn't have the most basic thing required to become a star. When he looked into her eyes, he saw energy, passion, dedication, skill but not a hint of love. Without it, she was an utter waste.

Love was not something that could be taught, so she had no place there. But if she somehow learned that one basic thing, she could become unstoppable.

He picked up her resume again and read aloud, "'People I respect: The man and woman who raised me without judgement, who gave me a place to sleep without ever counting the cost. Hobbies: Shopping for cosmetics.
Special skills: I can cut, chop, or peel anything.' I know she has potential. I am definitely curious to see how she will turn out if we groomed her for TV.
Woah... Her favourite word is vengeance?!" He recalled the vibe of intense hate she gave off during the auditions. "She may never change at all, even if we take her in. But still, why am I so intrigued?"

He studied her face again. Her picture looked like a mugshot. She was definitely different than those other girls.




Mr and Mrs Taisho were having breakfast when they heard footsteps from the stairs. Kyoko came down. Unlike yesterday, she looked bright and cheerful with a smile on her face. What they didn't know, was that she was just trying to cover her puffy, teary face from that smile so as to not worry them.

Last night, when she came back, the first thing she did was to rip off the poster of Sho from her wall, and tear it into tiny little pieces. She had put it there, not because she missed him but to remind herself of her revenge. There was going to be no revenge anymore, so there was no point in keeping his picture.

Right after that, she broke down. Mr. Swara had told her that she was lacking 'love'. She realized that she was not lacking love just as an actor but as a human being. Sho did not only betray her, he left her hollow inside. He took away her base.

"Good morning." She greeted the Taishos.

"Kyoko dear, are you alright?" Mrs Taisho asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes, I am fine." She assured her with a smile.

"Last night, you looked pretty quiet and depressed and you didn't even eat dinner. We were so worried."

"I am sorry for worrying you, but I'm okay now.'

"What about the auditions?" Mr Taisho asked with his usual frowning face. Mrs Taisho had specifically asked him to not mention that. She rolled her eyes at him.

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