Chapter 19.

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She stepped down from the stage and took off the giant chicken mask from her head, revealing a bright, cheerful smile held on her lips. "How did I do?"

"Good job, Kyoko," one of the crew guys patted her back.

"It works out a lot better when you are Bo," the guy who played the anchor, said.

"Thank you so much," she bowed to them and then to the director who just gave her a small nod in return.

"By the way, we got tons of new emails saying how great Bo was, just thought you should know," the anchor smiled.

"That's great," she smiled back. With every compliment, her confidence uplifted. She was loving this job, everyone was so nice.

On her way back, she changed out of the chicken suit into her casual baby pink top, cobalt skirt and a white shrug before leaving.

As she descended the steps, she couldn't help but feel proud. Last week, she had been humiliated and kicked out from this place. But now, here she was as a regular cast member.

A couple of days after the show aired, they called her back when they got the reviews from the audience. Turned out, people loved Bo and the fact that he was a lot more active compared to the mascots from other talk shows, where they just waved and circled the stage.

Today, they gave her another chance to prove herself and she did better than fine, since Sho wasn't there to mess up her mind. They ended up making her a series' regular. Even if her face was covered in a giant chicken head, she was still on TV. She smiled proudly, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Once she made it down, a familiar, face with striking jet-black hair and stunning dark eyes, grabbed her attention and her heart fluttered in her chest. It's him. Ren Tsuruga.

She had a sudden urge to walk up to him and break the news about her first regular gig. Unfortunately, she wasn't in her Bo costume or she might have. She also wanted to thank him for the compliment.

I couldn't have done it without you. It meant a lot more than it should have. She wanted him to know how much it cheered her up.

Heat rushed to her face, painting her cheeks a bright shade of red.

That's so lame. I'd die if I actually said that out loud, she cupped her cheeks, thinking how he would react if she did say that. Besides, I have a feeling that he only acted that way because he didn't know who I was. I don't think he would have been so casual otherwise, she didn't want to admit it but it made her feel a bit sad, like she was left out.

Suddenly, their eyes met and she realized that she had been staring at him. You idiot. Of course, he noticed her. She broke out of her reverie and he passed her his enchanting, signature smile.

Oh crap! That plastic smile again. What did I do now? Then she remembered. For him, it was the first time seeing her since 'the finger incident.'

For a moment, she stood there confused. He slowly started making his way towards her. That snapped her back and she turned to walk in the opposite direction.

She glanced back from the corner of her eyes to find that he was following her. She increased her pace to a half jog but he was still catching up to her, even though he was walking casually.

What is he? A speed walker or something? She gritted her teeth. This is like a horror movie. The worst part about that sinister smile is what's hiding underneath it.

She spotted the only place where he wouldn't be able to follow her and made a run for it, the ladies' room.

Just as she was about to enter, he slammed his fist on the wall, blocking her way.

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