Chapter 72.

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Her eyes jumped from face to face until they finally landed on Kyoko, whom she spotted talking with the Director. To add more to Amamiya's agitation, there was a bandage wrapped around Kyoko's hand, and Kazutoyo was looking rather angry.

This wasn't a good sign. Amamiya was so nervous that she started chewing on her lip as she slowly moved closer to them to make out what they were saying.

"You are an actress!" The Director scolded Kyoko. "How can you be careless enough to fall down the stairs? If there's one thing you should be taking care of, it's your body!"

"My foot slipped. I'm sorry." Kyoko, being in character, brushed it off with a single apology and a slight smile. "I'll be more careful."

Amamiya's eyes widened with surprise. Did that really just happen? She did not suspect that Kyoko had seen her back at the studio, she was sure of it. Their eyes had met. So why would she lie to save her skin. It didn't make any sense.

"How are we gonna shoot today?" Kazutoyo sulked. "We have a deadline! We need to record that bullying scene as soon as possible!"

"We can still shoot it," Kyoko assured him.

"With that arm? Its swollen!"

"So what?" She smirked. Waving her hand around to point at the cast she said, "there are plenty of other actresses. Any one of them can become Natsu's right arm."

"What are you suggesting?" Kazutoyo was intrigued.

"Didn't you say during the script reading that you'll let us young folks improvise the bullying scenes since you needed a fresher perspective?"

"Yes, but-"

"Well then, just leave it to me. Natsu is the type of person who'd rather use her underlings to do her dirty work than sullying her own hands. All she cares about is being entertained. So that's exactly what I'll do in the scene."

"But you are supposed to be the main villain." The Director reminded her.

"Don't worry. Even though I won't be doing the bullying, I'll lead the whole thing myself. By the end of the scene, I'll be the one who'll come out looking the most evil."

Kazutoyo narrowed his eyes for a moment, but then he sighed as he gave in. "Who will you use?"

"Let's see.... Who should I?" Kyoko looked around searchingly until she spotted Amamiya. "Ah. Yumika." Pointing a finger at her, she motioned for her to come forward. "You'll do."




As the crew made preparations before the shoot, Amamiya agitatedly waited in a quiet corner, wondering if this was some trick Kyoko was using to get back at her for pushing her the other day. Her suspicious and paranoid thoughts were interrupted when the latter joined her.

"What are you up to?" Amamiya hissed venomously.

Shoving her hand into her pocket, Kyoko pulled out a peace of paper and waved it around her co-star's face. "You do not wanna make me repeat myself. Trust me."

All the colour was drained from Amamiya's skin turning pale because she instantly recognised what Kyoko was carrying.

"You left it at the studio yesterday." Kyoko confirmed it with a smirk. "You want it back, don't you?"

Without bothering to reply, Amamiya lunged forward to snatch the paper from Kyoko's hands, but Kyoko was faster. She easily jumped back, smiling.

"Don't even think that you can have it for free. You want it back? You'll have to earn it."

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