Chapter 52.

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"Yesterday was really messed up, so I forgot to tell you one thing," Kyoko admitted to Sho, who was standing a few paces away from her casually leaning on the brick railing. Her brows knitted together into a serious frown.

"Is that why you called me here all the way from the dining hall?" Sho let his uninterested eyes wander upto her face as he slowly looked up. "Why couldn't you just say it there? This better be important."

"I called you here because I don't wanna be seen with you again!" Kyoko scowled. "About yesterday, when you saved me..." She hesitated, before going on with a pained expression as if each word was burning her tongue. "It's not like I'm grateful or anything but as a person with a common sense of courtesy, it would be reasonable for me to offer atleast a single word of thanks."

Sho gave her a dirty look and took a step closer, "is that your idea of a thanks?"

"Yeah. So what?" Kyoko shot back. "It's not like I asked you to help me!"

"Still, would it be so hard for you to say a simple 'thank you'? And what's with the 'it's not like I am grateful or anything' crap? That is so not cute!"

"Gross!" Kyoko gagged. "If you thought of me as cute I'd get goosebumps.

"Say what?"

Ren kept inching closer and closer, taking down one step at a time. But no matter how much close he got, he still couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Anyway," Kyoko went on. "There's one more thing. You said you had talked things over with that Beagle. How on earth are you so sure that he won't come after me again? What exactly did you say to that psychopath?"

"Oh. That," Sho's lips curled into a lopsided smirk. "Just think of it like this, when two guys discuss something, they can understand each other without having to use words."

"Tell me you didn't!" Kyoko hissed sharply.

"Yup," Sho nodded. "Except his face, I beat up everything below it.

"You idiot!" Kyoko cried out, anger and dread mingled in her voice. She tried to shower a barrage of punches at Sho's chest but he easily pushed her back and blocked all of them with his fist alone. "Director Ogata specifically told you the consequences if you hit him! But did you stop to think? No! And now he has proof. There is nothing stopping him from going public anymore!"

"I told you, you don't have to worry about him anymore!" Sho snapped.

"Why the hell should I take your word for it?" She tried to hit him harder, but he still easily dodged her punches.

"Because, even if he has no pride as a musician, he still has pride as a man!"

Kyoko finally stopped trying to hit him to look up at his face.

"If I were in his place, I wouldn't tell a soul," Sho explained. "Do you think he'll have the guts to tell the whole world that he was beaten to a pulp by his rival."

"Why?" It was only a whisper. Kyoko rubbed her moist eyes from the cuff of her sleeve and asked, "why did you take such a risk? If he does go to the cops or even to the media, your career is as good as over! You could have just left me! What reason did you have to shut him up?"

When Sho spoke next, his tone was straight-forward, without even a pinch of humour in it, "the thought of how it might affect my career or my image did not even cross my mind. The only thing that was on my mind was your safety."

After hearing those words, Ren had to intervene. He couldn't just keep standing there and eavesdropping from the side lines. With silent footsteps, he sprinted down the stairs, a single question constantly plaguing his mind: why? Was it simply a coincidence or was it destiny that those two kept bumping into each other. When he first met Kyoko, she already had a special someone in her life. When he met her again, her special someone was still special but in a totally different way. She was so obsessed with Sho Fuwa that in order to get back to him, she was ready to dive into the ruthless show biz world, even though she used to have no interest in it. Now, Sho being a top singer and Kyoko being a newbie actress, they had completely different segments. Yet, their paths kept crossing. Almost as if they had some special connection, like their fates were intertwined or something.

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