Chapter 48.

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"Come on now, fess up!" Itsumi entered the dressing room with a giggle, just as the stylist was about done adding the finishing touch to Kyoko's makeup.

"About what?" Kyoko inquired, her hazel eyes wide and oblivious.

"You know! Sho Fuwa! You two are going out, right?" Itsumi dropped her voice to a whisper and cupped her hands around her mouth when she said the words 'going out'.

Kyoko groaned painfully. "Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"I heard from the staff that he came to visit you at the set a few days ago," Itsumi slumped down on a chair beside Kyoko and rested her face on her balled-fists. A cheerfully hopeful smile on her lips.

"He did, but not for anything serious! It was only a trivial matter!" Kyoko desperately tried to explain.

"Is that so?" One of Itsumi's blonde brows quirked up as a mockingly suspicious smile suffused her lips. "Huh? Then how come he knew your favorites this morning at the breakfast?"

"Anyone you've grown up with will know that. It's only natural."

"Wait, you two grew up together?"

"Yes! That's what I had been trying to say! He's only what you'd consider a childhood friend. Not even that, now. Because, we don't have anything to do with each other anymore."

"Hmm." Itsumi stroked her chin thoughtfully. "Then he must have some important business with you."

"What do you mean?" Kyoko cocked her head from the mirror to shoot a questioning look at her new friend.

"You probably don't know this, since you have been in here getting your makeup done, but he's been outside the set the whole time."




The curtains of his eyes slowly drooped and sleep began taking over his exhausted mind. Staying up the whole night was finally taking its toll on Sho. He rubbed his eyes and once again turned his attention back to the small notepad in his hand, scribbling some words every now and then, which he would probably use in the lyrics of his new song.

Suddenly, he heard the clickety-clack sound of approaching footsteps the roadside bench on which he had made himself comfortable. Lifting his sleep-deprived eyes, he found Kyoko slowly making her way towards him. A juniper green, full-sleeved gown was tightly hugging her torso, it's shade so dark that it almost looked black. Below her waist, it fell to the floor in elegant curls which heaved and fluttered as she moved. A see through fabric with dark roses embroidered on it was stitched to her square neckline, suffusing between her throat and her cleavage. It partly revealed her pale skin in contrast to the dark fabric of her dress and the shadowy makeup highlighting the contours of her face.

Even though she was quite a vision wearing that ravishing dress and aesthetic makeup, a grotesque scar stretching down from her temple to her ear drew all of Sho's attention to itself.

He could almost feel the cold and terror-stricken aura against his skin, emanating from Kyoko. After getting a single glare from her arctic eyes, he failed to resist a chill going down his spine.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded, when she stopped in front of him and crossed her arms sternly.

He raised himself. "Wow, you look... Scary! Did you make a deal with the devil or something?"

Unbidden, colour rose to her cheeks. "It's for my role, okay?" She snapped. "Anyway, you have recording to do. Stop goofing off and get back to work!"

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