Chapter 70.

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Shock was an understatement to describe the crew's reaction when Kyoko made her way inside the studio. All the jaws were hanging. Not a word spoken to be heard.

"Good morning." Kyoko spread her lips into that same smile from before. It enhanced her charm and beauty but also gave a slight indication of her boredom. She had changed into her Natsu costume which was the same navy blue school uniform. Although it had no major changes from before, aside from the fact that her bow tie was now missing, but Kyoko still looked completely transformed.

First of all, it was her hair. Now dyed into a paler shade of ginger, they were straightened and neatly parted from the side with one half tucked behind her ear and the other bigger half allowed to softly fall on her cheek.

Besides her hair, her whole energy was shifted. Her body was now more relaxed and her gait slightly askew. Her hips swayed in a sensuous way as she walked, capturing the attention of all the male eyes present in the room.

"Director," Kazutoyo's assistant blinked. "What do you think happened to her?"

The Director didn't respond. Partly because he was still to comprehend what he was seeing and partly because he himself didn't have a clue.

However, the person who was most surprised was Chiori Amamiya. She was too stunned to contain her frustration and anger, and for a moment her hatred for her costar seeped out on her face for everyone else to see, but fortunately, their eyes were finding it quite hard to move away from Kyoko, for them to notice it.

The worst part for Chiori was, she would've never even imagine to portray her Natsu like that. Not in a million years.
Her poise, her style, her panache, her flamboyant attitude, and most of all, her ice cold eyes, it was all perfect. As much as Amamiya hated to admit it, she knew she could've never played it so... so good!

Ignoring the excessively flabbergasted faces of her colleagues, Kyoko strode up to Kazutoyo.

"Sorry," she bowed to the Director. Unlike her usual bow, it was only a slight tilt of her neck. "For being late." She placed her hand on her chest. "The bow tie, it wasn't with my costume."

"W-what?" The Director finally found his voice back. "It wasn't?" He cocked his head around searchingly before his eyes fixated on a man from the staff. "Hey you! Costume manager!"

"Me?" The man jogged up them to them. "What is it?"

"Natsu's bow tie was missing from the costume." Kazutoyo snapped.

"It can't be! I definitely put it in!" The costume manager protested.

"Did you even double check the list?"

"Of course I did! And it was in there!"

"If you put it, then where is it now? Are you saying that it disappeared by itself?"

"I..." His voice trailing, he cocked his head to where Honami was standing. "Hey, you saw it, right?" He asked her desperately. "When you were helping me this morning, you took Natsu's costume to the dressing room. The package was sealed wasn't it? You must have seen the bow?"

Honami hesitated, now regretting her choice to hide the bow just so she could mess with Kyoko. She was almost sure that they would blame Kyoko for misplacing it somewhere. If she had any idea that this matter would get so serious, she would have never hidden it in the first place.

The Director and everyone else was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to answer. "Well, let me think." She pretended to ponder on the question for a while. "It was there. I remember it. That means it was Kyoko herself who lost it." Her eyes met Kyoko's, but she shamelessly continue to lie through her teeth. "She must have dropped it somewhere while opening it."

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