Chapter 6.

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Kyoko was standing there with the usaba in her hand. The radish was on a table on the stage, finely sliced, into the pattern of a rose. She was done. All the judges were standing, to get a better view of the radish rose. The President started clapping with an impressed expression, the other judges followed him.
"That was marvelous. Katsuramuki is such an old and delicate art. It takes months or maybe even years to practice. She is only a teenager yet she did it like a pro." The President commented on her performance.

"That was quite impressive sir, but this is not a cooking contest." One of the judges pointed out to the president.

"Yes, but I am quite interested in seeing how she will do in the next round."




Kyoko felt like she could take on the world. She did it. Of course, she was going to do it. When Mr. Swara pointed out to her that she had to grab the president's attention, she knew that ordinary talents won't work. Even if slicing didn't have anything to do with acting, she was sure that she'll make it to the next round.

The contestants were all sent back to the waiting room at the end of the first round. They were asked to wait there for the results.

Twenty minutes later, a man came in with a chart paper. He put it on the wall and left. It had the names of the contestants who were proceeding to the second round.

Everyone gathered around it to look for their names. Kyoko did the same. There were only twelve names out of sixty-one. Kyoko's name was one of them. She moved back a little and did a victory fist-bump in the air.

"You, vegetable girl." someone called out to her. It was the same raven-haired girl from the morning, who had insulted her for no reason. She remembered her name, it was Kanae.

"What do you want?"

"Peeling a daikon radish, that was impressive."

She was not so bad after all. "Thank y-"

"And completely weird. I am sure all the judges would remember you." Her tone had a hint of envy in it.

"There's no need to be jealous." Kyoko replied in a cocky voice.

"Who the hell said I am jealous?" She shouted. "Now look," she regained her composure and continued, "don't misunderstand me, what you did helped you to stand out and maybe even made the President notice you for a bit, but, only because peeling vegetables has nothing to do with acting. You are unique. An endangered animal rarely seen in the wild, like a Pygmy Hippopotamus." Kyoko was listening to her intently. Did she just call me a hippo? She turned furious.
"I have a prediction." Now her voice was cocky. "I bet I'll waltz in and pass the auditions with flying colors and you will waddle in and fall flat on your face." She tucked in her hair haughtily.
"I'll be the Shakespearean hero and you'll be my fool." She smirked and walked away.

She did it again. What was her problem? Why did she have to come and ruin her moment? One second, Kyoko was boosting with confidence and the next, this girl came and shattered it like glass and left her in self doubt. She just pissed her off so much.

She was right though, Kyoko thought.

No! She was not going to let her have that satisfaction by doubting herself. That was exactly why she came to talk smack in the first place.

"The second round is about to begin. Please proceed to the stage, whose names were on the chart." The same man, who had put the poster earlier said and left. Kyoko slapped both her cheeks simultaneously to focus and to forget about that girl.

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