Chapter 28.

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She had to squeeze out every ounce of willpower inside her to not strangle him on the spot. Finally, breaking the endless gazing session, Kyoko stretched her thin lips into a smile as sweet as a pot full of honey.

Sho frowned. Out of all the things he was expecting, a smile was not one of them. He was dead sure that it would be the same Kyoko he knew because it was too unlikely to be a coincidence for her to be someone else with the same name. So he was prepared to take any insult, slap or homicidal attempts from her head on and throw it right back to show her her real place. But, a smile!

The girl who stood in front of her had ginger hair, a beautiful face (in an ordinary way), big brown eyes and a very warm and cheerful smile - she looked nothing like the Kyoko he remembered, not to mention the fact that the old Kyoko would never have worn such a ridiculous pink jumpsuit if her life depended on it. But he was not stupid enough to believe that just by one look. If she was really her, then that was exactly what she would have wanted him to think. He was still going to keep his guard up.

Just then, she stepped forward and slapped his back nearly toppling him over, and squealed excitedly like one of those fangirls. "You surprised me, Fuwa Chi!" She exclaimed in a thick chinese accent and a high-pitched voice. Even though it was supposed to be a playful slap, she had used all her strength behind it. "You came out of nowhere!" Cupping her blushing cheeks she grinned. "Why did you do that to li'l old me?"

[Chi is suffix used by Chinese people after names. Like San and Chan are Japanese suffixes.]

Um...Fuwa Chi? Sho's frown was replaced by a confused look.

"I was so nervous when I found out I would be working with you, Fuwa Chi," Kyoko started prattling in her thick chinese accent and falsetto voice. "I'll try my best to not cause any trouble and be a good girl! It's so great to meet you!" She offered him her hand to shake.

What is she doing? Sho stood there with a dumbfounded expression. The Kyoko I know would rather die than shake hands with me.

"Are you one of those people who won't shake hands? What are you, a germophobe? You big rockstar!" She raised an eyebrow at him when he didn't offer up his hand.

"No. That's crazy!"

"Then what's wrong?" Her cheerful smile returned. "Go on. Shake hands!" She grabbed his moist, right hand and shook it energetically, trying her best not to squeeze and crush it. "It's nice to meet you. I am Kyoko. Let's try to have a good shoot, yeah? That sound like a plan?"

"Yeah. Of course" Sho led her out to the corridor and explained to her why they kept her waiting for so long.

"No way! you mean they had me waiting in the wrong room this whole time?"

"Yeah, we've been sitting around waiting for you for like an hour."

"No! That sucks so bad. Technically, it's not my fault since I wasn't late. But oh well." She flashed her teeth.

As she rambled on and on, Sho stared at her from the corner of his eyes to discern any resemblance to the Kyoko he knew but he was thoroughly disappointed because there was none. Zilch. Nada!

Kyoko stopped abruptly and shot another radiant smile which almost blinded him. With big, puppy dog eyes she exclaimed, "I just realised you came all this way to get me in person!"

"Yeah, I did."

"Aaaaaaaaaaah!" She squealed with joy and pushed Sho playfully. This time he did fall down but immediately got up before she noticed.

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