My esophagus felt coated in acid, I drank some water from the faucet and washed my face. I didn't even realize I was crying. My whole face was red and my eyes were puffy.

I look disgusting.

I opened the bathroom door and walked into my room, suddenly feeling dizzy. I grabbed my pills quickly and took the amount I had to.
I sat down for a little bit, I need to sit.
God i'm so drained and tired.

As I was about to drift into my dreams, Quackity came in. I instantly jumped.

"Sorry- I'm just having trouble sleeping.." Quackity apologized timidly. This was so unlike him.

"I-it's ok? Are you okay??"

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" He sweat.

"You've been off.."

"Have I? I'm sorry. I won't." He was immediately influenced by what I had said.

"Woah! Did you make this?!" He was looking at a figure I sculpted. It was a tiny cat. He was turned in such a way He was facing the wall and I was on my bed.

I swear to god I could see bruises on the top of his back. His collared shirt was revealing it. "Come sit down." I smiled.

He walked over slowly and sat with his legs hanging off the side of the bed, so did I.

"Be truthful, are you actually okay?" I said very concerned.

He looked really confused, "Yeah..? Why.. Did I do something?"

I looked at him in the eyes, then reached my hand over his shoulder and lightly touched where I saw the bruise. I watched him wince. "Shit-" He hissed.

"What happened?!" I grasped his hand with my own.

"I'm fine- I just.." His eyes started watering. It looked like the start of a storm.

"I.. C-can't expl-explain.." He sobbed, grasping onto both of my hands.

I slowly pulled up his sleeve, seeing multiple bruises and injuries. Oh god.. Who did this?! There's no way this is self inflicted!

"Quackity? Who's doing this..?" I exclaimed.

"Again.. I can't j-just tell you." He said and looked at me lustfully.

"You need to tell me! If not I can't stop you getting hurt! Seriously. Who did i-" My rant was cut off by him kissing me, I just looked to the side. I love him and I'm glad I can make him feel better.

But now isn't the time.

He pulled out of the kiss and looked at me with teary eyes. I sensed something awful. Really really awful.

I swear I saw an eye peaking at us through the door crack.

You're imaging things.

You're fine

You're fine

He's fine

We're fine.

"Quackity, please tell me?! Who did that to you?!!"

Quackity shook his head no.

"Was it you?"

He shook his head no once more.

"Another person?"

He nodded.

It then suddenly clicked for me.

"Was.. Was this all Sapnap?"

He didn't move his head at all, he just stared.
He then turned his dead down a little.

"I knew you guys fought- but- but I didn't think it was this much?!" I exclaimed, What is going on?!

"He.. He does it- way more then.. you- you would think." He covered his mouth with his hand and started sobbing again.

"What?? How?.." I was way more confused now. It was hard to even find words.

"He hurts m-me.. And when he is.. hurt its usually self- self defense.." He let out a choked sob.

"What?! Why haven't you told me??" I grasped his hands.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes, "I couldn't.. He would hurt me more." Quackity cried into my arms.

"We can't be with him." I said sternly.

"What?.. We can't just leave him?" Quackity whimpered.

"Well then we need to talk to him. Or we are kicking him out."

"No! I don't want to leave him.. I can't I still care for him!" He exclaimed.

"I do too- But you can't stay with him. He hurts you!!"

"But he always takes care of me after.. sometimes.. A-and always cares for me. I don't want to!" He clenched his fists.

"Quackity. Please just listen when I say you can't live like this. Go talk to him." I motioned for him to. I don't want him to get hurt again.

"I WILL! I don't need to hear from you!" Quackity slammed the door and stomped off.

I wish I could've stopped him.

Jealous | Tommyinnit angstजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें