When the Zabrak finally changed to offense, y/n didn't dodge or try to shy away as he had done with only one blade. Instead, he met Feral head on and jabbed the staff at every visible part of his figure. Everything in y/n's body was moving of its own accord, it was all instinct and reaction, the movement flowed through his muscles and were delivered with swift deadliness.

He found himself able to block Feral's strikes with one side of the staff without having to look. He could attack and defend at the same time.

y/n grinned and seconds later, he had hit Feral in the back of the knee. It was nowhere near the amount of force needed to fell an adult Zabrak; his brother wasn't even flinch. But it was contact.

As he exchanged a bow with Feral, the young boy couldn't help but smile. Looking up he saw the same pleased and happy expression on Talzin's face.

"From now on," she said, but it was loud enough for everyone in the clearing to hear, "y/n l/n will be trained in the ways we trained Darth Maul..."

"Who's that?" a few of the younger Zabraks asked amongst themselves.

"A powerful Zabrak from our clan – Sith Lord, and Apprentice of Darth Sidious."

From that day on, y/n had personally been trained and taught in the ways of Maul and the Sith by Talzin. He could remember them all like yesterday. And then there was a blinding pain on his face...the scar across his eye, nose and cheek hurt stung like fire...

"y/n! Hey, are you still alive?" someone was shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes, but immediately regretted it as sharp sunlight flooded his senses. He groaned, yawned, then stretched, sitting up from where he had lain across a bench in the sandy orange clearing.

For a second y/n thought he was still on Dathomir but then he realised it was Ryloth.

"Hello?" he greeted the person, rubbing his eyes and seeing a pink-skinned teenage male Twi'lek. "Oh, hey Ja'rro."

"I thought Jedi didn't sleep?" Ja'rro asked.

"No, of course they do," y/n replied with a smile, standing up. "I wasn't wanting to fall asleep though. Guess I was too tired." He sighed, realising just how little he had rested during the week. "Anyways, what are you doing here?"

"Come. Follow," Ja'rro said and beckoned. He quickly disappeared into the crowd in the market and y/n followed.

"No one's dead or anything, right?" he called after him. "Wait up then!"

Soon, they arrived at one of the tunnels leading to the Twi'lek homes underground.

"I'm taking you to my house, quickly. Mama's wanted to say thank you before you Jedi left, since she still can't walk, and sis has baked you some munch-fungus loaf," Ja'rro explained.

"Oh. Alright then. Thanks," y/n replied, surprised that anyone would show this much kindness to him after such a short time.

"Here," Ja'rro pushed open one of the identical doors in the tunnel, leading them in, and the Twi'lek shouted something in his native language, Ryl. His sister Kasha appeared, pushing their mother on a wheelchair.

"Hi," the young Jedi waved, feeling awkward. Their small home was just as he remembered when he first came. Neat, tidy and organised, with the tiny kitchen and table to the right, and bedrooms to the left. As they were underground, there were no windows, but a few candles and oil lamps provided light.

"Ah, y/n!" Ja'rro's mother beamed at him. She spoke in the native Twi'lek language, but he could understand her through the Force. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are a saviour, rescuing my family and myself from famine and ill health. Without you, we would be dead. You have my eternal thanks and blessing." The old Twi'lek woman's eyes brimmed with tears.

y/n bowed his head and smiled. "Just doing my duty. I hope your legs are healing well?" Ja'rro translated the Jedi's words.

At the start of the mission, y/n had found the family trapped in their home. An explosion had caused the tunnel to collapse, sealing the three in. Their mother's legs had been crushed beneath the debris and they had no food nor water. After rescuing them, y/n had visited the family every day and helped them especially to rebuild.

"Yes, the...bacta, I think you called it, works very well," was the woman's reply.

Ja'rro's sister walked to the kitchen table and picked up a box presumably with fungus-mulch cake inside. She pressed it into y/n's hands and smiled too.

"For you. Thank you."

y/n was about to return his thanks when suddenly his wristcom sounded.

"Where are you? Not stuck in a sinkhole, are you?" Aayla's voice came through.

"No, I'm at Ja'rro and Kasha's," he replied.

"Tell them I said hi, and just informing you we're leaving at the next rotation. Basically, very soon." With that the commlink fell silent.

y/n grinned at each member of the small family. "It has been my pleasure helping you. I'm sorry but my time has come, and I must go. You have been wonderful hosts. I wish for your speedy recovery. May we meet again," he said and saluted.

"I trust you'll find your own way back?" Ja'rro asked and the Jedi nodded.

"Until then," Ja'rro's mother waved as her son pushed her wheelchair out of the room.

Kasha walked up to him and stood on her tiptoes before she leaned over to peck him on the cheek.

y/n blushed and looked at her. "I'll miss you," he smirked.

"Goodbye, y/n," she said slowly in Galactic Basic.

He grinned. "Goodbye," he replied in terrible Ryl. 

Don't worry, obviously it's still and Ahsoka x Reader, just wanted to add this for some character development and for something Ahsoka could tease y/n about until she realises she loves him XD

Also keep an eye out guys, I might post the last chappie of the Ryloth arc tomorrow if I have time. It's not a promise though, just a probability. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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