Mr. Shue's eyes gleam with pure happiness.

"Yes!!" He shouts excited and bounces up and down like a kid who just got some candy. Me and Sam look at him startled. "Yes you can sign up!! You can audition on Thursday at 1pm!! Finally!! I have a full team!!" He shouts grinning from ear to ear and runs out the classroom all giddy. Me and Sam give him wtf looks.

This guy is weird. I think to myself.

I know. Sam thinks to himself. Yes we have twin telepathy.
Rebel's Outfit:

It's now Thursday so we have been at this school for 4 days

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It's now Thursday so we have been at this school for 4 days. So far, it's fine. I've seen Quinn around but we haven't spoken, all we do is exchange lots of glances.

Me and Sam signed up for glee on Tuesday and are now walking to the choir room for our audition. I'm pretty nervous cause I know Quinn will be there. We approach the choir room door and Sam knocks on it.

"Come in!!" We hear the loud voice of Mr. Schue shout. We open the door and we are met with 11 other kids sitting in chairs while Mr. Schue sits on the piano, all of them looking at each other.

I see a boy in a wheelchair with glasses sitting next to that Finn boy, a black girl with bangs sitting next to the wheelchair kid, the mohawk boy next to her. A Jewish looking girl sitting next to Finn, very pale boy, two Asian kids, one boy and one girl, Brittany, Santana and finally... Quinn. Ahh Quinn. I look at her outfit and smile.

She had on this cheerleading uniform. It looked so beautiful. It was white and red with a black outline. It said WMHS. What does that mean? Her hair was down and flowing over her shoulders and her back.

The jewish girl practically runs up to us. She looks like she has a loud mouth. I hate loud mouths. They are so annoying.

"Hello, hello, hello!!" She squeals all giddily and links her arms with me and Sam. Me and Sam look at each other confused. "We are so glad you decided to sign up." The girl spoke again and keeps walking us over to the rest of the kids until we are in the middle of the room. The girl runs back to her seat and crosses her legs and arms with posture that looks like how only Queens sit. "Tell us about yourselves!!" She squeals again and the class looks at her with annoyed looks.

"Rachel, stop before you scare them away." The black girl with bangs sternly says while she points at the Jewish girl called Rachel. She turns to us with a smile. "Sorry about her, but do tell us about yourselves." She nicely said and gestures for us to speak. Me and Sam look at each other briefly before Sam starts speaking.

"Well, my name is Sam Evans." Sam says while waving at them with a smile and he looks at me, meaning it's my time to introduce myself.

"Uh, my name is Rebel Evans." I wave at them as well but I don't smile. "We are from Toronto, Canada. I'm intersex and that's about it." I continue, not having much to say. I don't mind people knowing I'm intersex. I'm not embarrassed and I have much more things to worry about. The class makes confused faces.

My Broken Rebel - Quinn FabrayМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя