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A lot of time had actually already passed when Kacchan asked me to go upstairs. I felt like I was only sitting there for maybe 15 minutes, but when I looked at the clock, I realized that several hours went by already.

My boyfriend helped me get up this time, I didn't feel like I could have been able to bring up the strength I needed for getting up the stairs.

He carried me on his back and I just snuggled my head into the crook of his neck until we arrived in my room and he let me down on my bed.

When was the last time I was in Kacchan's room? I asked myself, but dropped that question only a few seconds later. It's not that big of a deal anyways.

When I was sitting on my bed, the ash blonde male in my room got over to my closet and handed me my pyjamas into which I changed with his help.

After that, I lay down and covered myself with my dark blue and heavy blanket as my boyfriend was changing right in front of me.

He looked really sexy, I had to admit it. His body was great, but in general.. he looked so good. Whenever I looked at him, I had this tingly feeling in my guts. In a good way. It was somehow happiness, mostly because I was glad that he was mine and that his body was only being allowed to be seen by my own two eyes.

When he was also finally done, he got over to me and lay down beside me.

"You look happy," he said with a warm smile.

"Because I am. You look really good, did you know that?"

"I knew that, but hearing that from you makes me believe in it even more. You also look really sexy," he chuckled and pulled me closer to his body until my face was basically buried in his chest.

"Kacchan, I can barely breathe," my muffled down voice escaped my lips.

"I'm sorry, I just want you as close to me as possible. It feels like a dream whenever I'm with you and I'm scared of suddenly waking up from it," he said as he loosened his grip around me.

I lifted my head upwards, so that I was looking him into his ruby red eyes.

His gaze felt so warm and comfortable, it felt like he was able to embrace me with it.

"This isn't a dream Kacchan. Even if it feels like one. I am real and I am right beside you," I buried my head into his chest again and took a deep breath.

His scent was tickling in my nose, the caramel touch made me feel even more relaxed.

"Let's go to sleep," I said and he agreed.

"Yeah, I'm also tired," Kacchan replied and we both tightened the grip around each other a little more.

Soon the world slipped away and I fell asleep. But this time it was not a recovering sleep.


DeKu'S niGhTmArE (⚠⚠⚠⚠ Sexual assault, so only read if you feel comfortable with this topic, skip until you see ⚠⚠⚠⚠, if you don't wanna read this):

It was a pitch black room, no light, no nothing. It was cold, I couldn't see anything. There was just darkness surrounding me.

I wanted to say something, I wanted to open my mouth and speak into the room, but as soon as I tried, a hand pressed against my mouth, which made it almost impossible for me to speak. I started panicking, I wanted to push the hand away, but then I felt two other hands holding my wrists tightly the moment I wanted to move.

As I tried to scream, the hand over my mouth just grabbed me tighter. I felt like crying, which actually also happened not too much later. I could feel hot boiling tears rolling down my cheeks, I was terrified.

With time even more and more hands started touching my body. They were everywhere, holding my body tightly. It hurt and I was sure that those grips would leave marks. Every single part of my body was covered with those nasty hands, except my eyes, nose and my 'private parts' (he still has his clothes on, I forgot to mention that).

Then: A small light coming from the end of a hall. It was a weak light and I could see someone coming from there. Their steps kept getting louder and louder, echoing through the whole hall, making me whine and shiver in panic. My heart was racing like crazy, I didn't know what was going to happen, I didn't have the slightest idea.

The person in front of me kept getting closer and closer, but I still wasn't able to recognize who it was. It looked like that person didn't even have a face, all I knew was, that it was a man.

When his steps were getting closer and closer, he suddenly abruptly stopped walking right in front of me and covered my eyes with his own hand. "Just stay quiet. Don't make any noise. I promise you will enjoy this," the voice felt familiar, but I still couldn't recognize him.

I could hear his clothes making noises as they were being moved by his moves and I knew that he was getting down on his knees. The panic inside of me kept growing and when he suddenly touched my pants, I totally lost it.

I tried kicking with my feet and arms, but couldn't achieve anything, nothing helped, I was still being held in place by dozens of hands. Tears were still streaming down my face and when the zip to  my pants was being opened, I finally managed to let out a loud scream which made everything stop. A really light white light appeared and I was being ripped out of my dream.


⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ You can read from here again ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠


A really light white light appeared and I was being ripped out of my dream.

I shot up in my bed while panting heavily, my clothes were soaked in sweat and I was crying endless tears which was followed by me starting to sob.

Then a hand was being placed on my back.

It made me flinch really hard and cry even more, but then I heard a familiar and very comforting voice speaking to me.

"Hey, Deku, calm down. You are in your dorm room together with me, Katsuki. Your boyfriend," his voice sounded really concerned.

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