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A/N: I also have another book that I've completed a while ago, so if you haven't read it, go and check it out :)

After I changed Deku's shirt, I lay down next to him and threw his blanket over both of us.

Suddenly a specific thought popped up in my mind and I slapped my face.

"Goddamit, I am so fucking stupid," I whispered.

I was supposed to make dinner today! I promised it to him, fuck I am so dumb.

I thought about it a few more seconds.

Guess I will make it for lunch tomorrow... now that I think of it, I also didn't get my kisses, but I can't blame him, I leaned on one of my arms and held my head with it. In the end I also didn't hold my promise.

Deku started moving around, looking a bit uncomfortable and as if he was searching for something. When he touched my body by accident, his face softened and he came closer to me and snuggled himself onto me, burying his face into my chest with a little smile on his face.

I couldn't help but smile as well.

"You are so goddamn cute," I whispered and kissed the top of his head after I slung my arms around him.

"Good night honey," was the last thing I said to him and soon the world slipped away and I fell asleep.


Deku's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night, all sweaty and slightly panting. I dreamed about still being with the villains.

I sat up and buried my face in my hands.

Fuck, I'm too tired for this bullshit.

Slowly I looked over to my right, there was Kacchan sound asleep, we were cuddling only a little while ago.

As carefully as I could, I moved away the hand that was still resting on my body and got out of the bed before leaving my own room. Even though I had a broken foot and a broken arm, I still could move on my own even if it was difficult. When we left the hospital, one of the doctors gave Mr. Aizawa crutches for me and now I was using them to get out of my room.

I felt thirsty and made my way to the kitchen downstairs.

The whole dorm was quiet, it was as if everything was on pause, no one was awake, not a single soul. It was peaceful.

As I was walking down the staircase, I noticed that I was dressed in one of Kacchan's shirts that were in my closet before.

When did I change into this? I asked myself, but then soon realized that my boyfriend probably changed my clothes. Well.. just my shirt. He left my pants on and to be honest, I was kinda glad about that.

I reached the last few steps and walked over to the kitchen.

I passed the island and got to one of the drawers which contained all the cups we owned.

My eyes searched for my cup and then I finally found it, it was an All Might cup which said "I AM HERE!" with All Might's face on it.

Slowly I got to the fridge and took out a cold water bottle with gas in it.

When I turned around, I placed everything on the island and walked around again with the help of my crutches to sit down on a chair.

Then I opened up the new bottle and filled my cup to the top.

At first I chugged almost everything down and filled it up a second time, but with the second cup I just took slow sips.

I felt a little cold since my shirt was drenched in sweat and was looking outside of a little window next to me, wishing to be a little warmer.

I started to get lost in thought, I wasn't thinking about anything particular, just about anything that came to my mind.

My thoughts were moving from my mom up to Kacchan, then to school and then I was suddenly wondering if I ever would be willing to have a dog.

I was thinking about a golden retriever and started imagining my whole future with having a dog together with Kacchan and kids.

It was quiet in our dorm, really quiet until I could hear someone coming down the stairs, but I didn't even bother on checking who it was.

Whoever it is,  I don't care. They also probably just woke up or can't sleep.

I continued looking outside of the window, still imagining a possible future when I suddenly felt a light touch on my back.

"What?" I just asked annoyed. I didn't want to be disturbed.

"Why are you here?" the deep and tired voice asked me. It was a warm and really familiar voice, the only voice that I loved hearing more than anything else.


Without turning my head towards him, I replied "I woke up from a dream I had and felt thirsty, that's why I got here," I said in an unintentionally cold tone.

"Is something on your mind? What was the dream about?" Kacchan asked me.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong, I have already forgotten about the dream I had. I just got myself something to drink and got lost in thought."

He hummed in response.

"Why are you here?" I asked him back as he sat down on the chair next to me.

"Well.. I woke up from not being able to find you. You weren't next to me, so I got up to search for you. At first I looked into the bathroom, but it was empty, then I figured to go and look for you down here. You just kinda look.. absent?"

I breathed in and out and answered him with a small smile on my face, this time even while looking at him. He looked really tired and a bit worried.

"Hey, I am alright, I was actually thinking about something that brings me joy," I cupped his face and squished it together. I let out a small laughter at that sight. "You look like a blonde marshmallow."

Kacchan grabbed my wrists carefully to not hurt me since I still had the burn marks around them and I stopped squishing his face together. Instead I gave him a kiss and when we pulled away again, he started speaking.


A/N: My apologies for the short chapter. Forgive me please ('。_。`).

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