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Bakugou's POV (sorry that I'm switching so much, but pls bear with me for now):

Mr. Aizawa entered the class and started teaching, to be honest I couldn't even remember what he was teaching us about since I didn't pay any attention to it, but when the name "Midoriya" fell, I shoot up in my seat and was all ears.

"Does anyone know where Midoriya is? Class has started 20 minutes ago and he still didn't show up," sensei was looking around in class, the nervous expressions on the faces of his students showed him, that something was up, so he didn't drop the topic until someone would give him an answer.

"Talk. Now. Or I will go and check up on him myself," Mr. Aizawa looked at us with a death glare.

Slowly I lifted my hand and when he allowed me to talk I tried to come up with a lie, hoping that it would work out somehow.

"S-So uhm, yesterday Deku went home to visit his mom and h-he got sick. He ate something bad. So Inko let him stay at home instead of coming back to school for today."

Mr. Aizawa's expression softened. "Okay, but since she didn't call, I will contact her later and ask if he is okay."

Sweat pearls started forming on my face, I knew that his mom probably wouldn't play along, but I couldn't stop Mr. Aizawa.

I gulped and slowly nodded my head.

"Alright, now that we cleared this up, I can continue. Eyes on the blackboard."

Mr. Aizawa turned around and started teaching again, continuing from where he left off. I turned my head back to the window to my left, resting my head on my hand. I was trying to figure out how to cover Deku's absence, but nothing useful came to my mind.

Guess I'm fucked.


The next few hours in school felt like YEARS. I was barely even keeping my eyes open, since I didn't sleep much that night, I felt very tired and was hardly even awake anymore.

It went so far, that I actually fell asleep after a while and I only woke up when I got woken up by a hand shaking me awake.

It was Midnight.

"Wake up, no sleeping in my class!" She said with a raised voice. I shoot my head up from the table and looked at her confused and with tired eyes.

"What? Where am I?"

The woman's face softened a bit and actually looked slightly sad.
"Bakugou.. have you slept tonight?"

I didn't understand why she asked me that, but I decided to answer. Truthfully.

"Actually.. no. Well, I have slept, yes, but I couldn't sleep through. Something... was on my mind," I turned my head away from my teacher and in that exact moment the bell rang, dismissing everyone for class.

I stood up from my chair, just like everyone else and packed my belongings into my bag before I picked it up and walked out of the classroom.

Just as I was walking towards the staircase, I was stopped by Mr. Aizawa.

"Hey Bakugou, do you have a second?" He touched my shoulder and I turned around. The teachers face looked as tired as usual, but his behavior was a little bit different. He was talking a bit faster than usual and was slightly panting as if he was running around only a while ago.

"Depending on what you want from me, I do have a second."

"It's about Midoriya, you have to come with me and we have to talk about him."

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