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It's Thursday. I haven't mentioned it in the last chapter and only fixed it a few minutes ago, so I wanted to inform everyone that it's Thursday at this point of the story and in my mha universe school is from Monday till Friday.


I was walking though the city together with uncle and finally saw a good ramen shop. I used to eat in that one a lot back in the day together with him whenever he was in town.

We entered the shop, Fukuhara ordered a normal bowl ramen and I asked for one with a little bit of spice added to it.

We were waiting for our food to get done and started talking.

"So.. you mentioned that you almost.. died today.. Want to tell me what happened?" He asked me with concern written all over his face.


I kept quiet, trying to find the right way to tell him what happened. After a few minutes of silence between us, I started talking.

"Well.. The past months weren't the easiest for me. My emotions started bottling up until I sort of exploded in front of Kacchan. Right after that happened, I went quiet and turned cold at first."

I rubbed the scar from Kacchan around my wrist and continued.

"After some time me and Kacchan got together and I felt a little bit more okay, but it didn't last long. Things happened, things I don't want to mention now and my life just seemed to go downhill by every second that went by. I have no idea what has happened, but... everything just got worse. Everything got so bad that I thought and still kind of think that death was and is the only way out of this mess. So I wanted to jump. I prepared everything, I wrote a letter and I got up to the roof top of my school. Just as I was about to do it, I got a call and it was from Kacchan. He kind of made me rethink everything and I suddenly couldn't make myself jump anymore. So I ran away before he could find me. I don't even have my phone with me anymore because I tossed it into the snow back there," tears started building up in my eyes. It was hard for me to say those things because I myself just kind of realized how sad my life was.

I didn't want to look up, but when uncle tapped on one of my hands, on which I was resting my head, I looked up at him.

He had tears in his eyes and smiled.

"I'm glad you're still here," he let out a sad chuckle.

I had no idea what was happening in my head in that moment, but for some odd reason I felt so safe. Fukuhara made me feel like he cared about me.

Silent tears rolled out of my eyes and I couldn't help but stand up and hug the man in front of me.

"Thank you," I whispered. 

I broke away from the hug when our order was done and the waitress was just about to serve it to us.

I sat down in my chair, wiping my tears away and chuckled.

"Oh god, I am so pathetic."

"Don't say that Izuku! You're not pathetic. You are just a boy who has to go through pain. And you survived. That is the opposite of pathetic, so don't say that ever again," uncle was also wiping a tear away.

I looked down at the bowl full with noodles and could hear my stomach rumbling. Apparently even uncle could hear it and he let out a small laughter.
"Come on buddy, eat up," I went bright red, embarrassed from the sound my stomach made and took the chopsticks into my hand. Then we both started eating and I was glad that I told him about what had happened.


When we were done eating, we paid for our food and got outside again. A cold blow of wind hit my face and I shivered.

I was not properly dressed for the weather anyways and since it was evening now, it was even colder.

I knew that I couldn't go back to the school for now. Well, I actually could, but I decided not to do it. It would only cause problems that I couldn't deal with at that moment.

"Hey Izuku, what about if you come with me to my place? I have a small apartment only a few minutes away from here. I can call the school and tell them that you won't attend class for tomorrow because you're sick. I can imagine that you don't want to return there for now, you can stay with me for the weekend if you're okay with that."

Without even paying much thought to that suggestion, I agreed.

"I would appreciate that," I let out a nervous laughter and we slowly made our way to his apartment.

We were walking through the snow, there were still quite a lot of people outside, but definetly less compared to before.

After only four minutes of walking, we arrived at the apartment and walked into the building and took the elevator up to the 11th floor. 

As soon as the door opened we were standing in the living room from uncle. It was really big and had high ceilings. Everything was decorated so well and he even had really nice furniture.

My eyes were glowing from the sight, it just looked so cool!

I stepped out of the elevator and slipped out of my shoes, still amazed by the apartment.

Fukuhara laughed and ruffled my hair.

"This is what you get when you work hard buddy, nothing in life is for free," he also took off his shoes together with his coat.

He wanted to take off my scarf for me, but I stopped him.

"I want to keep it on!" I said.

He held his hands up in defense, his palms facing me and replied "Okay okay, I am not gonna steal that from you."

I buried my head in the scarf and took a deep breath.

It had Kacchan's scent and I could feel my heart clenching.

I was already missing him and I felt guilty for just running away from him.

"Uhm uncle? Can I borrow your phone please?" I asked him.

"Sure buddy, here, take it," he slipped his black phone out of his pocket and I started typing in Kacchan's mobile number.


A/N: This is a question to everyone who is reading this book:

How many chapters to y'all want? Because I still have a lot in my mind and I feel like this book is gonna be REALLY long. Is that okay with you or should I keep it short?

If I am being honest, I feel like this could easily get around 70 chapters long oop-

Maybe even more.

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