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When we arrived and got inside, a few of our classmates were approaching us, asking where we have been.

"Before leaving the dorms, you should inform us, it's irresponsible" Iida lectured us.

Kacchans just 'tsk'ed and got away from the small crowd.

I was standing there, still with my shoes on when Mina suddenly made everyone else leave.

"Guys, stop making a fuss about nothing, just leave this poor boy alone, he even still has his shoes on!" A few people groaned and left but Mina stayed.

I took off my shoes and looked at her.

"Did he tell you?" she asked.

At first I was confused what she meant but then I remembered what Kirishima told me before.
Kacchans was supposed to tell me something but I just kept cutting him off.

I didn't want to answer to my classmate but even though I felt uncomfortable, I managed to tell her what happened.

"He came into my room, dropping off the medicine for my fever. I told him to leave and just as he was about to go he turned around and asked me if he could add something. I agreed and he was trying to tell me that he was sorry but I kept cutting him off because I got angry.. I mean at first he just apologized because of the burn he did to me that's why-" I cut myself off.

"That's why what?" Mina asked me.

I ignored what she said for that moment and looked down at my wrist which was still wrapped in a bandage.
Quickly I ripped it off and saw how just a scar was left.
It was big but it was healed.

Mina looked at my wrist in surprise and then asked me if we were at Recovery Girl's office.

"Yes we were but I'll explain what I wanted to say before."
Mina nodded and I continued speaking.

"Okay so Kacchan at first just apologized because of my wrist and then I started screaming at him because he was apologizing for something that I barely gave a shit about. I was hurt because he never dared to say sorry for all the things he has done to me in the past. He wanted to explain but I didn't give him a chance to. I just told him to leave my room and he got back into his room. Later when Kirishima came by to get us for lunch, I noticed how Kacchans was screaming. I feel terrible for what I did."
Tears started filling my eyes.

"Well and afterwards I felt really weak and was on my way to UA to get treated and then Kacchan came out running towards me and explained how he felt.. and yeah.. now we're here I guess."

Mina looked at me with sad eyes and stayed silent. Instead of saying something, she gave me a big hug and I sunk into it.

"Thank you," I whispered and we continued to stay like that for a while until Kacchan came by.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" He asked in an angry voice.

The girl that was hugging me separated herself from me and looked back at Kacchan.
"I'm giving emotional support you goldfish, can't you see?"

Kacchan groaned and glared at her for a few seconds until he started to look into my eyes.

I felt my ears and cheeks turn red when I met his eyes and started stuttering.

"Uh- Yeah w-we just hugged. H-hey Kacchan? W-why don't we just g-get upstairs, huh?"

Mina looked at me with a smirk on her face and left to go into the common room.

I was watching her leave and then looked back at Kacchan who was already staring into my eyes.

"So are we going or not?" he asked me in an annoyed tone and I just nodded aggressively.

We both got upstairs and decided to go into Kacchan's room since mine was pretty messy actually. Well.. the truth is I didn't want to go into my room since people kept getting into it whenever they wanted.

Kacchan opened his door and I followed him into his room. While he closed the door behind me, I was inspecting everything.

There were All Might posters taped to the walls and a few figures of the said pro hero standing in a shelf. One thing me and Kacchan have in common is our admiration for All Might.

I continued to look around the room. His bed was besides his window and the sheets on top of it were all messy.

My gaze wandered around the room until it got stuck on the punching bag.

It had blood stains on it all over and I remembered that Kacchan was punching his knuckles bloody because of me.

A wave of sadness overcame my body and with that the feeling I had which I couldn't satisfy.

It's my fault, I hurt him. This is my fault, I'm so stupid.

Out of a sudden I felt my phone vibrating in my front pocket and tried fishing it out.

Kacchan was now sitting on his bed and was watching me answering the call.

It was Mr. Aizawa.

"Hello?" I asked into the microphone.

"Hello Midoriya, it's me Mr. Aizawa. I wanted to inform you about tomorrow. Since you won't attend class tomorrow, I wanted to get you someone to stay, an adult, but everyone is busy. Since someone has to stay with you though, I've decided that you can pick a classmate which takes care of you," Aizawa explained in a deep and tired voice.

"Alright, got it," I replied and was just about to hang up the phone when Mr. Aizawa added one more thing.

"Before you hang up, I've forgotten one thing. The person who you decide to pick will have to catch up their work. You will have to do that too but you'll get more time since you're still sick. That was everything."

"Alright, alright, got it sir. I'll inform that student about it. Bye."

"Bye and get better soon!"

I quickly said "thanks" and hung up the phone.

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