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Deku's POV, Sunday morning:

Slowly I started waking up from probably the best sleep I've ever had before in my entire life. I felt so relaxed that it felt like I was still dreaming. I wasn't tired anymore and when I opened my eyes, I was glad that I wasn't in that basement anymore together with the villains.

For some odd reason I always expect to still be there whenever I open my eyes. It just kind of feels a bit surreal to me that I have been rescued.

I could hear birds tweeting outside, the warm sunshine was lightly shining into my face and when I looked out of the window to my right, I could see that the snow outside was slowly melting.

Spring wasn't too far away anymore.

When I looked down, I could see that my boyfriend was still asleep between my thighs. I chuckled at the sight.

He looked so peaceful and also a little bit happy, when I placed my hand on top of his hair, a small smile appeared on his face.

I gazed at him with loving eyes, whenever I saw my boyfriend, I just had this warm feeling in my chest which made me feel even more attached to him.

My love for him grew bigger and bigger with every second that I was living. I couldn't believe that someone like him could love someone like me. We had a harsh past, yes, but I left that behind already.

It doesn't matter what happened in the past, as long as you're here with me in the present, everything will be alright. I believe in that.

I watched Kacchan sleep for a pretty long time. It was still kind of early in the morning, but I didn't mind it too much. I actually enjoyed the time I had to only look at him. Even though I would rather kiss him than just look at his face, it was still enjoyable.

After a while a nurse came inside and looked at me and Kacchan, who himself was still lying between my thighs.

The nurse's face got red and she started stuttering.

"O-Oh I-I'm sorry, I-I just wanted to b-bring breakfast, b-but I c-can also do t-that later, i-if that's better," she looked at me with red cheeks, which made me feel embarrassed too.

"N-No it's fine," I said.

"O-Okay," she got outside and started bringing the breakfast inside. Me and Kacchan had the same, a sandwich with cheese and salad and a yogurt.

When the nurse looked at me, I just nodded my head and said thank you before she rushed outside again and then slammed the door shut behind her.

I breathed out in relief, that was an awkward situation.

I noticed that Kacchan frowned and started moving around in his sleep. The loud sound of the door being shut probably made him wake up a little.

In order to get him to relax again, I started petting his head.

"Shh, go to sleep again, everything is fine," I whispered and like on cue he stopped frowning as soon as he heard my voice.

He turned to the side and hugged my left leg, it hurt a little because of the stitches (A/N: My playlist just started playing Stitches by Shawn Mendes lmao), but I bore with it since it was Kacchan.

I thought about starting to eat my sandwich since the nurse was so nice to put it right next to me on the nightstand, but the more I thought about it, the less I wanted to actually eat it. The thought of having to swallow that thing made me cringe.

Hospital food in general was a little bit disgusting in my opinion. Well... maybe not disgusting, but it doesn't taste good either.

Again time went by little by little, I was just watching my boyfriend sleep and move around a bit. He didn't seem to wake up any time soon.

After another little while the door to our room opened and someone walked in, at first I couldn't see who it was, but then when the person walked in further with heavy steps, I could see a man with black, messy hair, completely dressed in black.

"Hello Midoriya," he greeted me.

"H-Hello Mr. Aizawa," I said back. "W-What brings y-you here?" I asked him while stuttering a bit, it caught me by surprise that he came by. And on top of that I wished that he came by later and not when... I was sitting there like that with Kacchan hugging my leg.

"I wanted to check up on both of you since I haven't even seen you. I was also told that Bakugou hit his head, wanna tell me what happened?" He said in a quiet voice to not wake up his other student.

"Well.. I don't know," I lied. "All I know is, that he did it on purpose."

"Mhm," Mr. Aizawa hummed in response.

He walked further inside the room and sat down on the edge of the bed to my left. The bed where I was actually supposed to sleep in. 

"And how are you doing?" My teacher asked while looking at me with a slightly concerned look on his face.

"I-I'm fine I guess.."

"What injuries do you have?"

"Uhm, my right leg is broken, my left arm, well actually my hand, I have burning marks around my throat and both of my wrists, uncountable cuts all over my body, but they are all stitched. I think that's everything if you don't count in the bruised I also have," I said.

"I'm sorry Midoriya, I'm sorry for not being there earlier for you," he told me with a sad look on his face.

"It's fine, it's not your fault." 

He kept quiet about it for a while and after the silence got really awkward, Mr. Aizawa decided to break the silence.

"When will you guys be discharged?"

"If I'm not mistaken tomorrow. They wanted to check up on how my body is healing and how Kacchan's concussion is developing. If everything is going alright, we will be discharged tomorrow," I answered.

"Okay, that's good... I have already talked to the principal and we have decided that you both get a week off of school. You have been through a lot, so we don't want to pressure you into something that isn't more important than your health right now. Same goes for Bakugou. He has been out of it since you disappeared. To me he looked really exhausted and tired, but also really broken."

I just nodded in silence, I knew that I have hurt Kacchan, but I didn't know how bad I have actually hurt him.

I sighed and rubbed my face, "Thank you."

"No problem kid," Mr. Aizawa said and stood up. He came closer to my bed and ruffled my hair before leaving. "Get well soon, both of you," he said and left the room.

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