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When I hung up the phone, I looked over at Kacchan who was staring me down with his ruby red eyes.

"Hey Kacchan, Mr. Aizawa just told me-"

"I know what he said, I might not hear well sometimes but I'm not completely deaf," he groaned and I just laughed nervously in response.

An awkward silence overcame the room and I slowly started walking towards the bed Kacchan was sitting on and sat down myself.

I looked down at my hands as I was fidgeting with them while thinking about a bunch of things.

I was thinking about the punching bag in the corner, about Kacchan and what I did to him, about who I will ask to stay with me tomorrow and and and. My mind was filled with so much that I couldn't keep thinking straight anymore.

Kacchan noticed how I was getting lost in my thoughts again and touched my shoulder carefully.

It was actually really weird to me that Kacchan finally started showing a caring and emotional side of him.

Will I ever get used to this? I mean it's nice to not have him screaming or being angry all the time but this is really weird somehow.

"Deku? You alright?" He asked and I just nodded in response.

Again silence filled the room until Kacchan spoke up.
"If you are okay with it then I can stay with you tomorrow.." my eyes widened with what he said and I slightly turned my head into his direction.

"Y-you? With me? Out of your own will?" I was looked confused at him.

Is all of this a dream? Since when has he been like this? This is weird.

"Yes dumbass, out of my own will," he grunted and crossed his arms.

A small smile overcame my lips and I accepted the offer.

"Then you will be my guardian for tomorrow," I grinned at him and he let out a small chuckle.

"You should smile like this more often," Kacchan said, making me blush a bit.

We both started having a conversation about if Kacchan would help me getting my work done for school or not when we suddenly got interrupted by the rumbling coming from my stomach.

Quickly I put my hands over it to cover my stomach, embarrassed by the sounds it just made.

Kacchan snickered and looked up at me.

"When was the last time you ate?"

I wanted to respond with something like 'today' but when I actually thought about it, I noticed how I didn't eat since I came back on Friday. The last thing I ate was a sandwich for lunch back then.

"I uh- Friday," I responded to Kacchan's question and his eyes widened.

"This long??? Fuck this, I'll make you some Katsudon and you better not decline!"

He grabbed my wrist and started dragging me down to prepare dinner for me.

We arrived in the kitchen and I sat down on one of the chairs that were placed besides the counter in the middle and watched how Kacchan started getting out the ingredients he needed.

I was watching him doing his thing in total silence when suddenly Kirishima joined us.

"So Bakubro, what are you cooking for us? Something delicious?" he licked over his lips and watched Kacchan preparing dinner excitedly.

"It's not for you shitty hair, just for him and me" he pointed at me with the knife he held in his hands.

The sudden thought of the knife slicing open my skin crossed my mind and with that also the feeling that I still haven't satisfied. I felt like if I used the knife, the feeling would go away.

I was almost about to get lost in thought again until the two boys in front of me continued talking to each other and I shook my head slightly to get rid of the thought and get back to reality.

"Oh man, come on Bakubro, that's not manly. We all want to have dinner! Come on cook for the whole class today, please!" Kirishima was begging him.

After talking back and forth Kacchan finally gave in.

"Alright you bastard. I'll make fucking dinner for y'all," Kacchan let off a small explosion and the red haired boy besides me started yelling cheerfully.


Cheering was being heard from the common room, everyone was excited that Kacchan was cooking since his cooking was the best. As bit too spicy for some people but it was always delicious when he cooked.

I smiled at the boy in front of me that was preparing dinner for the whole class and I felt Kirishima looking at me from the side.

"I'll go, tell me when dinner is ready Bakubro," he said and left the kitchen.


Probably 40 minutes or so passed until Kacchan got to the finish line.

He told me to grab two bowls and some chopsticks.

I did exactly what he told me to do, gave him the bowls and he started filling them with the delicious food that I love from the bottom of my heart.

I sat down, he passed me my bowl and he sat down with his own right next to me. He smiled at me and I just started blushing.

Damn it, why is his smile so pretty?

I grabbed the chopsticks and put my hands together.

"Thank you for the food," I said together with Kacchan at the same time and started eating.

The food was tasting and smelling so good, that it even reminded me of the times when my mom used to make me Katsudon once every week. The only difference was that the 5'7 tall boy next to me added some chili but I actually didn't mind it one bit since I was used to it.

Back in the day me and Kacchan often played together at his house, we were probably around 5 years old and his mother was always cooking food that was spicy. At first I couldn't get used to it and I barely could eat anything without my tongue burning but with time I was able to handle the spice and now I even enjoy it when food is spicy.

I looked over to my left where Kacchan was sitting.

"This is very delicious Kacchan! I love it!" I smiled at him but he just grunted and turned his head back to his food.

"Just eat it nerd," he 'tsk'ed and when I paid more attention to his face, I noticed that he was blushing and even his ears started turning red.

I just chuckled and continued eating.


F*ck life and everything that follows after | BakuDeku | Depressed DekuKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat