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Kacchan grabbed my wrists carefully to not hurt me since I still had the burn marks around them and I stopped squishing his face together. Instead I gave him a kiss and when we pulled away again, he started speaking.

"May I ask what you were thinking about so intensely?" he asked me.

"What do you think about getting a dog in the future?" I asked him excitedly.

"What?" Kacchan bursted out laughing.

"How did you come up with that?" he asked.

My expression got all sad.

Does he not like that idea? Is he making fun of me?

This time Kacchan grabbed my face and cupped it in his hands.

"Hey hey, don't start sulking now, I didn't mean to sound so rude, I really like that idea actually. I was just surprised that you were thinking about something like that," he explained.

"I like dogs and I would love to get one together with you in the future if that is what you were thinking about, Deku."

I got a bit happier again.

"Great!" I said and he kissed me.

"Let's go to sleep Deku, I'm pretty tired and I'm sure that you are too."

"Okay, you're not really wrong about that actually."

I got up from my seat and was just about to get my crutches when Kacchan snatched them away from me.

"You won't need them, leave them here," he told me.

"W-What?, but how am I supposed to get upstairs then??" I was confused by him. Does he really think that I will just be able to get upstairs on my own?

"I will carry you dumbass," he laughed.

Suddenly I felt really embarrassed, how on earth am I so stupid?

My cheeks grew red as Kacchan picked me up in bridal style and on our way back up to my room I buried my face in his chest while grabbing onto his shirt.

When we got to my room a few seconds later, he carefully let me down on my bed and kissed my forehead before going over to the other side.

Then he lay down too and turned his face towards me.

"You know Deku. You look really adorable."

"Y-You think s-so?" I stuttered. To be honest I have a weakness for compliments.

"Yes I think so," he smiled lovingly at me. Sometimes I am sure that he is the most adorable person I knew. We had our ups and downs and he was an asshole to me not to long ago, but seeing him all soft was like heaven.

"Y-You are a-adorable as w-well," I said.

"You really think so?" he asked me with a chuckle and pulled me really close to his body.
"Thank you, good night my prince," he said.

"Good night," I replied and listened to his heartbeat and breathing until I was asleep. It sounded like a lullaby.


Time skip, next morning, Tuesday:

I was woken up by the sun shining into my face, it was very warm and my back also felt really warm and cozy.

Slowly I started opening my eyes, it was already 11:27am. That was what my alarm on my nightstand showed me at least.

I turned my body around, making Kacchan growl since his arms were wrapped around me.

Then, finally, I saw his face and looked at it.

He was still sort of sleeping and I just continued with studying every detail of his face. 

His blonde eyelashes were really long and looked extremely pretty, his eyebrows also looked some sort of perfect and when my eyes wandered to his nose, I could see really light freckles (I know that he doesn't have any, but I feel like he could have really light ones). Then I also looked down on his lips, his mouth was slightly open. It looked really adorable and somehow I felt the huge urge to kiss his lips.

I leaned in, now really close to his face and closed my eyes when I could feel my lips touching his.

At first it was just kinda "boring" since he wasn't awake, but I luckily woke my boyfriend up with my kiss and he started kissing me back.

When I opened my eyes and we both pulled away, he also opened his eyes.

Kacchan looked kind of tired and dreamy, as if he wasn't actually awake yet.

"Hey Kacchan, wake up sleepy head," I whispered.

"I'm awake, just don't wanna get up," he mumbled and snuggled himself into me.
"Let's stay like this for a while."

I couldn't really refuse, he was like a big puppy and I was just able to adore him.

I let 10 minutes pass until I gave it another try to make Kacchan get up.

"Hey, come on. The day will be over before you even try to consider getting out of bed. Come on, let's do something nice," I said to him.

"But we are doing something nice. We are cuddling right now if you didn't notice that. And to be honest, I could do that for days straight."

"I know you could, but I'm starting to get hungry. I still didn't get the Katsudon you promised to make me. We just ate cake yesterday and a lot of other little things, my stomach actually hurts a little from that if I'm being honest.."

He lifted his head and looked me in the eye.

"Does it really?"

"Yes, it does.." I answered hesitatingly. My stomach was actually still hurting. I haven't had any proper food since Friday evening since I didn't get anything when I was with the villains nor when I was in the hospital.

Kacchan suddenly disappeared beneath the blanket and shoved his head beneath my shirt.

"EEK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I screamed.

I could feel him kissing my stomach.

"I'm making your pain go away, isn't that obvious?" I could hear him.

"Well, no?" I said all embarrassed. My face was already burning.

How could he do something that embarrassing??

"Get out of there!"

Kacchan chuckled, "Nope, I won't."

Suddenly I felt something wet against my skin, it tickled.



A/N: You guys have no idea how much I had already googled about what the right past tense for "lie" is and when I had to use the word "lay". Like dude. That shit is confusing and I messed it up pretty often actually.

So random learning lesson together with the author now to whoever needs it:

Lie: As in lie down and lying straight down somewhere, not as in lying to someone

present tense: lie

past tense: lay

present participle: lying

past participle: lain

Lay: When you put something down, so it is moving

present tense: lay

past tense: laid

present participle: laying

past participle: laid

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