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Dabi's hand continued getting hotter, I was screaming and crying, blood was flooding down my chest and the man behind me didn't even consider to stop any time soon.

Then he let go of my neck and walked in front of me again. I looked down on my lap, tears dropping down, my body trembling.

Suddenly Dabi aggressively grabbed my face and held it up while using his other hand to grab my wrist which already had a scar from Kacchan.

"I want to see your face when you beg me to stop," he chuckled and let his hand palm, which was wrapped around my wrist, heat up to a really high temperature in only a few seconds.

I squint my eyes and bit my tongue in order to not make any noise. I didn't want Dabi to get what he wanted.

He was burning the exact place where Kacchan burnt me not too long ago.

I felt like I was dying. My whole body was in pain and all I did was cry and let out whimpers every now and then.

"Open your fucking eyes useless brat," the man in front of me said in a threatening tone.

I did as he said and was greeted by a cold look on his face, but I could still see the amusement in his eyes. He didn't actually care if I would give out information or not, that man was controlled by blood lust only and nothing else. He enjoyed hurting me and seeing me in pain. Sooner or later he would probably kill me.

Kacchan. Please get me out of here, please.


Bakugou's POV:

After a few more steps I finally reached my room and fell down on my bed.

I stared at the ceiling for a few seconds and in a blink of an eye, I was sobbing and screaming into my pillow like a little kid.

My boyfriend was gone since not even 24 hours and I felt so lonely and empty without him. It was like there was now a hole in my chest where Deku used to be. He was somewhere out there and I had no idea where.


I cried and cried, it seemed like I never would stop crying. I could hear someone knocking on my door and saying something, but I ignored it and to be honest I also couldn't even hear much of it. My hands started setting off explosions on their own, lead by my emotions, but I was clenching my fists so they couldn't escape.

Even though it hurt like hell, I just kept clenching my fists. My hands were already scarred and rough from all the explosions, so this wouldn't really make too much of a difference.

It took me hours until I calmed down again. I had hiccups and sniffed a lot, but the explosions had stopped and I wasn't screaming or crying anymore.

I felt sad. . . And guilty.

I was supposed to protect the only person which was more precious to me than anyone else and I couldn't even do that.

Why am I such a bad boyfriend?

I rolled to the side and hugged my pillow, imagining that it was Deku lying next to me.

I only want him to be here with me, safe in my arms. I want him to be okay.

The grip around my pillow got tighter and I curled up like a little child would probably do.


Time went by and I was still lying in my bed, desperately waiting for a call from Mr. Aizawa or a message from Deku.

Suddenly I saw that my phone's screen lit up.


I picked up the call and lifted it up to my ear.

"Hello? Who is this?" I said with a quiet and shaky voice.

"Katsuki," I heard a voice whimpering in pain. My eyes widened and I sat up straight on my bed, attentively listening to the voice coming from my phone.

"Deku? Is that you?? Please tell me, are you okay? Where are you??"

I started panicking, my heart was racing as if there was no tomorrow and my body started shaking violently.

"Oh god, just please tell me you are okay," I whispered into the phone.

"Katsuki.. I am okay, I promise. Just listen, alright?" He sounded like he was in pain and extremely exhausted.


"I am sorry for what I did, but I don't think I will be able to come back anymore. I am sorry. The situation is a bit complicated. Even though I want to see you once more, I won't be able to do so. I wish you a bright future and I hope that you will become the world's number one hero. Do it for me. I love you, Katsuki Bakugou."

What on earth? Why my full name out of a sudden?

"Deku. You know that I won't fucking accept this, right? I won't let you just go, FUCK ARE YOU STUPID?" I yelled into the phone with all the energy I had.


"I am at a place-," he cut himself off and I could hear a small clicking noise. He breathed in, it was a shaky breath and continued talking. His voice broke a few times as if he was about to cry.

"I am at a place where you can't find me. Somewhere hidden, somewhere lost. You won't be able to find me. It's like when we used to play hide and seek together with them, right? You guys were never able to find me because I had the best hiding spot. Somewhere hidden, somewhere lost, somewhere dark-" another clicking noise.

"I love you," he whimpered and the call ended.

"Deku.. Deku? DEKU??" I screamed into my phone.

What the fuck was that? Why suddenly hide and seek? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?

I slammed my head against the wall and plumped down onto the floor.

"I am at a place where you can't find me. Somewhere hidden, somewhere lost. You won't be able to find me. It's like when we used to play hide and seek together with them, right? You guys were never able to find me because I had the best hiding spot. Somewhere hidden, somewhere lost, somewhere dark," I repeated over and over again and decided to write it down on a piece of paper.

I got up from the ground and walked up to my desk to grab a pen and wrote it down. I stared at the white, small sheet of paper, but couldn't figure out what he meant with those words.

"Just what do you want to tell me?" I said out loud into the silence of the room.

F*ck life and everything that follows after | BakuDeku | Depressed DekuWhere stories live. Discover now