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Instead of using the staircase that everyone used, I got down the other one so that no one would see me.

The staircase I used also lead to the backdoor of the dorm and I took my shoes that were placed next to it.

I sometimes use the back door to go on night walks when I want to clear my head, that's why I always had a pair of shoes here.

As soon as I slipped into them, I got outside and slowly stumbled my way to UA.

I wanted to visit Recovery Girl since my head was hurting really bad.

It was hard to walk since my vision was kind of blurry. I thought it was because of the tears in my eyes but no matter how much I tried to blink them away, my vision stayed blurry.

I walked further and further until I heard steps behind me coming closer really fast.


Kacchan's POV:

I was looking out of my window after my screaming session in order to calm down a bit. I thought about nothing, my mind was blank.

Suddenly I heard loud banging outside of my room, I didn't put much thought into it since that was normal. Dunce face often banged against people's doors really loud when he wanted to get them to open the door.

After a while the banging stopped and I was finally able to rest in peace.

I was looking outside, watching the sunlight touching the other dorms and trees that were outside.

I continued lying there, sniffing a bit until my eyelids got extremely heavy. They almost closed completely but suddenly my attention got caught by a small figure with green messy hair walking outside along the sidewalk beneath the green trees.


My eyes widened when I noticed how he almost threatened to tip over.

His body looked so weak and he was stumbling his was further and further.

Where the hell does he think he is going! He's sick!

I got up from my bed and ran down the stairs, my classmates didn't pay much attention to me since they were all having lunch and I stormed out of the door and ran towards Deku.

I almost reached him when he slowly turned around and I decreased my speed.

His eyes were red, extremely swollen and his expression and state told me that something was incredibly wrong.

Deku's eyes closed when he saw me and his lips started trembling.

"K-Kacchan," my eyes widened when he started crying and almost fell over.

Before he could do so, I grabbed his body and let it fall against mine.

I was speechless, I had no clue what to say until Deku continued talking.. well it was more of a whispering.
"I'm so sorry Kacchan, I'm so sorry for what I told you, this is all my fault. It's my fault!"

Sobs were escaping the weak boy's lips as I held him.

"But Deku.. you were right.." the tone in my voice turned sad now too. "I should have apologized to you a long time ago. It was never supposed to turn out this bad, I never wanted this. I have no idea why I never came to you and just apologized. I'm so sorry, it's not your fault." My grip got a bit tighter around Deku.

"It is my fault.. I should have never told you the things I said before, this is my fault, I am the one to blame! I hurt you, I heard how you were screaming, I also heard how you were punching your punching bag until your knuckles started bleeding.. If I wasn't here, this would have never happened. This is my fault.. but it's fine.. I accept that this is my fault, I even made myself pay for it."

I got confused by the last sentence.

"First of all, that's not your fault, I did those things because I was angry at myself. I was angry at myself for hurting you.. and second of all, what did you mean with 'I even made myself pay for it.'?"

Deku lifted his head slightly, whimpering in pain.

What did he do to be in this much pain?

"But if I wasn't here in the first place, you would have never even be able to feel angry for anything that had to do with me."

"Shut up, it's okay that I felt like this, you kind of opened my eyes to be honest," I sighted and looked down into Deku's eyes.

"You didn't answer the question I asked," I said.

Deku buried his face in my chest and mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"Can you repeat that?" I asked him and he spoke a bit louder this time, I could feel his voice vibrating.

"I said, I can't tell you now."

I just hummed in understanding and tried to pet Deku's head but he almost screamed by the touch and ripped himself out of my grip.

"OW FUCK, don't touch me there please."

The wind was playing with mine and Deku's hair, it was pretty cold compared to the sunlight touching my skin and I watched Deku's hair going into all different kinds of directions.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing," Deku replied but I didn't drop the topic.

"As if I would believe that nerd, come on spit it out."

Deku just stared at the floor and carefully looked for a response.
"Nothing happened, I was actually on my way to recovery girl before until you came."

I knew that Deku was lying, but why?

Instead of asking about it further I just let him be and started walking along the sidewalk but Deku just stood there, confused why I was walking to UA.

I turned around at him, the sun was right behind him shining at the back of his head and the wind was still going through his hair.

"You wanted to go to Recovery Girl, right?" Deku slightly nodded.
"Alright, then I will just come with you," I smiled at the green haired boy and watched him stumbling towards me.

"But if you walk that slow then we can also just wait for Recovery Girl to come here," a chuckle left my lips.

I walked towards Deku and picked him up. His body tensed up at first but when I started walking towards the gates of UA, he slung his hands around my neck and crossed his legs behind my back.

I held Deku's body up with my hands and kept walking until we finally arrived at the nurse's office.

He's cute.

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