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I didn't let go of Kacchan's hand the entire time and we slowly made our way outside.

"O-Oi nerd... why are you h-holding my hand?" Kacchan asked me, stuttering as we were walking under the trees.

It wasn't really windy but a bit cold outside, the sky was covered with a bunch of semi-dark clouds and it looked like it might rain later.
But even though I was surrounded by the coolness of the day, Kacchan's hand in mine was spending me warmth and I enjoyed it, his hands were rough but his touch was the most gentle and light someone could ever feel. It felt like he was holding my heart with his hands, keeping it warm and safe.

"I am holding it because I can and because I want to. If you don't like it, I will let go," I said that on purpose because I could see in his face how much he enjoyed it. His cheeks were glowing red and I felt his hand burning up.

"N-no, you don't have to let go," he said flustered, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You know Kacchan, you look cute being all nervous," I giggled.


I smiled at him and he just stared at my face. It looked like he was getting redder with every second that went by.

"Alright," I said, smiling and we finally reached the entrance of UA.

Before I pushed open the door, I explained to Kacchan what he had to pay attention to.

"Alright, I will open the door and you have to close it really carefully and quiet. Once you did that, we are only allowed to whisper inside of the building, alright? I don't want to get into any trouble because we were actually supposed to be in our dorm. There shouldn't be any teachers walking around right now since the others still have school but we need to hurry, just in case."

Kacchan just nodded at me, still visibly flustered because I was holding his hand.

He is really cute, I wanna eat him.

I chuckled at that thought and pushed the door open. It was a bit heavy but Kacchan helped me opening it with his free hand and we made our way inside.

The ash blonde holding my hand also did what I told him before and after he was done, I dragged him to the staircase.

"We need to get to the roof," I whispered to him and he just looked at me confused.

His face was literally screaming 'What does he want on the roof?' and I kept walking upstairs, dragging Kacchan behind me.

When we both got to the last floor, I pushed open the door and put the wooden rectangle between the door and door frame, so that we could go back later.

"Deku.. we are not supposed to be up here. Students aren't allowed to be on the roof," he said while looking into my eyes. He wasn't as red as before but his cheeks were still slightly pink.

"Okay Mr. I don't wanna break the rules. Since when do you care about stuff like school rules, huh? Where is the all 'rebellious' Katsuki Bakugou?," I used my free hand and put my index finger beneath his chin and slowly pulled it towards me again, brushing his skin, just to tease him a little.

"My all rebellious Kacchan has gone soft," I said in a seductive voice.

Kacchan's eyes widened and his face went all red again.

I continued to talk with a normal tone in my voice.

"Don't worry, I am up here every day after school and so far I didn't get caught even one time. I like being up here, it's really calming when you can hear the wind blowing past your ears or just looking down on everything is really calming in general," I let go of his hand and walked to the edge of the building.

Immediately I felt Kacchan's hand grabbing my wrist again.

"What are you doing?" He asked me and I chuckled.

"You're overreacting, I just want to sit down. I feel free when I sit on the edge with my legs dangling in the air, you should also try it out."

He let go of my wrist and I sat down on the edge of the UA building, looking into the distance when he also sat down beside me.

I looked over at his face, only to see him sitting there, leaned on his hands behind him and with closed eyes.

How can he look so . . . good?

I smiled at his face and adored how peaceful and handsome he looked like.


I hummed, wanting him to continue.

"You know.. It is really peaceful up here. Just like you said. But a bit cold."

His eyes were still closed and I thought about something.

Should I?



My heart started pumping faster an faster, I was able to feel my heartbeat in every single one of my limbs and I could also hear it in my ears.

Badump . . . Badump . . . Badump . . .

"Keep your eyes closed and don't move please," I whispered.

He had an asking expression on his face but did as I told him.

I leaned over to him and looked at his lips for a few seconds, barely breathing and closed my eyes. I leaned in and when felt his lips on mine, a sudden wave of warmth was shooting through my body.

As I pulled my face back and opened my eyes again, I saw how Kacchan's eyes were widened.

We both kept quiet. For a second I regretted what I did, I didn't want to destroy the relationship I had with him since it has been so good in the past few days but my worries soon faded away when Kacchan took his hands and pulled my face towards his and kissed me deeply.

Together we moved away from the edge and Kacchan pulled me onto his lap, not willing to break the kiss.

I was melting into his lips, into his touch, his smell, just into him.

His hands were cupping my face and mine his, in that moment I felt so warm, so safe. I felt like I was floating on cloud number 7.

Everything just felt so perfect, the wind playing with our hair, the coolness of the wind brushing against my skin, making me shiver a bit and the warmth coming from the boy kissing me, embracing my heart.

In that moment I felt truly happy.

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