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Still Bakugou's POV:

I got woken up by my alarm going off. Aggressively I slammed my hand on it and buried my head beneath my pillow.

My body and mind were tired. I haven't slept properly, I woke up every 30 minutes which made me feel like I haven't even slept at all.

Everything I had on my mind was Deku, he was staying somewhere and I didn't even know where. He could be staying at every imaginable place somewhere in nowhere and I had no idea. I knew that he said that he was okay, but my head was still imagining every possible scenario on where he could be which was making me worried as hell.

After arguing with myself about if I should get up or not, I decided to get out of bed and change into my school uniform. It took me a lot of energy to do so, but I managed to get my ass up after a while.

When I got downstairs, walking as if I was in trance, Shitty hair looked at me with a concerned expression on is face since he was the only one who knew what had happened before. Well at least I thought so.

Not only he was looking at me with a concerned expression. A few of my other classmates were looking at me the same way he did and it was bothering me.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at everyone confused.

"Why are you bastards looking at me like that?" I asked. "Do I have something in my face??"

I rubbed my face with both of my hands, but the expressions on the faces of my classmates didn't change.

"COME ON! TELL ME WHAT IT IS!!" I yelled, my aggression started growing without any particular reason.

"Bakubro, calm down.. You just look really really tired," Shitty hair said calmly.
"Also.. can I talk to you for a sec before you have breakfast and head out for school?"

"I didn't plan on having breakfast anyways," I growled and I followed the red haired boy out of the common room. The further we got away from our classmates, the more they started whispering to each other while glancing at me every few seconds.

The male in front of me noticed how I was also looking back at everyone every now and then and grabbed my shoulder.

"Ignore them, it's my fault that they are looking at you like this.."

I turned my head to Shitty hair again and fully concentrated on what he was saying.

"What do you mean by that? What do you mean, they are looking at me like that because of you?" I was genuinely confused. What on earth could he have said to them?

He took a deep breath and looked me into my eyes, meanwhile I could already physically feel how Dunce Face was staring holes into my back, but I ignored it.

Jealous bastard.

"Okay.. yesterday.. that thing happened with Midoriya, right?" I just continued looking at him with a blank expression. I was not in the mood to talk to someone about my boyfriend. It was just too hurtful.

"Well.. when we got back here and you ran off, people asked why we ran out so fast before that. I kept quiet about it and didn't dare saying a thing because it felt wrong, but when Midoriya didn't came back to the dorms, even late at night, a few people asked me about him. I tried so hard to keep quiet, you have to believe me! They were just.. so hard on me. No one wanted to drop that topic, so I told everyone what Midoriya tried to do, please don't be mad at me. I am so sorry, I apologize," Shitty hair looked at me, his eyes begging for forgiveness, but I wasn't the one who had to forgive him, it was Deku.

"Listen here. I have to say it wasn't cool that you just told everyone about what happened yesterday, but it's not in my power to forgive you or not. It's Deku's. He actually contacted me yesterday over some unknown number and told me that he was okay and that I shouldn't tell anyone about what happened. To be fair, I didn't tell you about it immediately, so you couldn't have known in the first place, but still. It's not in my power to forgive you or not," the redhead looked down at the floor, visibly uncomfortable and sorry for his actions.

"But.. you can tell everyone that they shouldn't mention anything about what happened in front of anyone who doesn't know anything about it. So not in front of other friends, the teachers or their family. Most importantly though, no one is allowed to mention it in front of Deku aswell. Not a single fucking word. And I would also appreciate if no one talks about it in front of me aswell..," I took a deep breath. "Alright, I think we are done here, I will go now," I announced to him, he nodded and I turned away, heading towards the door while ignoring the gazes of my classmates sticking on me.

I opened the door, got outside and slowly walked to school with absolutely nothing on my mind except Deku. Even when I got to class and everyone else aswell, I just couldn't make myself think about anything different.

When will you come back my dear?


Deku's POV:

When I woke up this morning, I wasn't in the room in which I fell asleep in. I was in a car, lying on the backseat and I could see that it was moving forward.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes followed by a big yawn. It was still semi dark outside and I looked forward to see who was driving the car.

It was uncle.

He noticed that I was awake and looked back at me through the mirror.

"Have you slept well buddy? You can still sleep if you want to."

I shook my head slightly.
"No, it's okay, I'm fine. I'm just a bit thirsty, do you by any chance have water in here?" I asked while looking around for a water bottle.

"Yes, there is a bottle in the door."

When I looked to my right, I spotted the said water bottle and took it out of the door.

While I opened it, I asked uncle a question.
"Hey, uhm sorry for asking, but where are we going?" I drank up half of the water, it tasted a bit weird, but I didn't think too much about it.

"I have some work to do. I couldn't let you sleep at home all by yourself, so I just took you with me."

"I understand," I was looking out of the window for a few minutes and felt extremely tired again.

"*yawn* Hey uncle, I think I will take a nap, wake me up when you need me," I laid back down across the backseat and closed my eyes. I was almost immediately asleep, but I still could hear Fukuhara say something before I passed out.

"Sure, sleep well Izuku."

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