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A/N: It will take a few more chapters until I get to the triggering shit, probably somewhere around the 12th chapter, just sayin'.


Time was passing by quickly until it was already time to prepare lunch.

It was 1:09pm and Kirishima got up from his seat to go into the kitchen.

He wanted to make some curry since that was the only thing he could cook, he got taught by Kacchan who himself was still sleeping on the couch with the blanket on top of him.

When Kirishima made his way to the kitchen and started getting out the ingredients he needed, he suddenly heard how someone knocked on the door to their dorm.

"CAN SOMEONE OPEN THE DOOR?" he shouted as he stood in front of the fridge. He wanted to take something out but forgot what it was and closed the fridge again.

"I'M ON IT!" Mina yelled while she came running to the door. Quickly she opened it with a big smile to greet Mr. Aizawa.

"Done with your nap?" she asked mockingly.

"Yeah yeah," the black-haired man's voice was deep and sounded tired but that was nothing new. "You called me before because of Midoriya?"

"Yessir I did, he's up in his room. Probably still sleeping," Mina responded and stepped away from the door to gesture Mr. Aizawa that he could come in.

When he stepped inside he could hear a bunch of students greeting him happily. Everyone liked their homeroom teacher. But the question is who didn't?

The 6 foot tall man just held his one hand up into the air for a second instead of saying something to greet back everyone and looked back at Mina again after she closed the door.

"Shall we go upstairs then?" he asked with both of his hands inside his pockets now.

"Of course," Mina said and got up the staircase, her teacher following her. 

When Mr. Aizawa reached the door, he knocked on it in case Deku was awake but he got no response.

Mina just whispered to him that the door was unlocked and that he could just go inside.

With that he slowly opened the door and glanced into the semi-dark room with the sleeping UA student in his bed.

Mina was waiting outside while Mr. Aizawa was checking up on Deku.

When he reached his bed, he took out one of his cold hands out of his pocket and touched the sick boy's forehead.

Deku's face softened by the touch and his teacher left his hand on there for a few seconds before taking it away again.

The boy was definitely sick and he knew that he shouldn't go to school for at least the following day. 

Aizawa left the room again and closed the door behind him with a small click. 

When he turned his head down to the side, he saw Mina sitting on the floor while leaning against the wall.

She looked up at him and quickly got up, "Aaaaand?" her big eyes were looking at the teacher, patiently waiting for an answer.

The black haired man let out a small sigh and replied, "he will definitely stay here for tomorrow. He should rest for sure. I will see if I can get an adult for tomorrow who can take care of Midoriya, if I won't be able to get someone then someone from 1A should stay with him. But until then everyone who isn't Midoriya has to attend class."

(They could put Deku with Recovery Girl but who tf wants that?  ̄へ ̄ )

Mina nodded and both of them got downstairs again.

Before Mr. Aizawa left, he told Mina that they should grab some medicine from Recovery Girl's office for the sick teen upstairs.

He said goodbye to the rest of the class and left without saying anything more.

The pink skinned girl who just lead out her homeroom teacher closed the door and walked into the open kitchen in which Kirishima was still cooking his curry.

"Hey hey Red Riot," she said and Kirishima raised his head to look at Mina who sat down on the chair in which Deku was sitting the day before.

"What's up Mina?" he asked with a smile on his face, showing his shark teeth.

"So listen here," she poured herself a cup of soda, "Deku is sick, right?"

The red haired boy was confused. "Yeah?"

"Well Mr. Aizawa was here to check up on him and told us to grab some medicine from Recovery Girl's office bUuUuUuut," she paused and looked at her friend with pleading eyes, "I'm too lazy to pick it up, can you go and grab it?" She leaned her upper body against the counter and supported her head with both of her hands.

Kirishima looked at her and replied unsure "I could but I have to cook!"

"I'll take over!!" Mina said excited and was staring into the boy's eyes.

"*sigh* Alright Mina, I will go and get it, don't worry."

"Thank youuu!" she said in a squeaky voice and got down from the chair to hug Kirishima. "You're the best!" Mina kissed his cheek and he let out a small smile.

When the girl let him go, she started cooking and he got into his room which was right next to Kacchan's.

Kirishima changed into an oversized, red hoodie and into some black joggers. He grabbed his phone from his desk, went downstairs afterwards and just left the dorm.

Compared to the day before it was a sunny day and also pretty warm. The red haired boy smiled when the sunlight touched his skin and just happily made his way inside of UA to get to the nurses office. It barely took him two full minutes until he arrived and knocked on the door two times before walking in.

Recovery Girl was sitting at her desk and looked over to the boy who just entered her office and got up to walk towards another desk on which she placed a plastic bag.

"I'm here to pick something up for Izuku Midoriya," Kirishima said nervously, scratching his neck.

"Of course darling, Mr. Aizawa already informed me to prepare some medicine for his fever."

She grabbed the bag and walked back to the 5'7 tall boy who was still standing in the door frame and gave him the bag.

"If his fever doesn't go down, please let me know but this should work out," she said and patted Kirishima's hand.

"Thank you Recovery Girl," he bowed with a small smile on his face and got back to the dorms.

F*ck life and everything that follows after | BakuDeku | Depressed DekuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ