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"Bakubro?..." Kirishima asked quietly, "What's wrong?"

Kacchan stopped making noises for a second but then he started sobbing louder and louder when he thought about what he has done to Deku all those years. He never realized how bad Deku was getting because of him. It has even gotten so bad that Deku just dealt with the pain like it was the most normal thing to do in this world.

That thought tore Kacchan so much apart that he couldn't control his sobs anymore. He got louder and louder, barely breathing now.

It was surprising how the other people who were sleeping didn't wake up.

Suddenly Kirishima stood up and rushed towards Kacchan with a worried face. He sat down besides him and carefully placed his hand on Kacchan's leg, to show him that he was there for him.

He was sure that if he suddenly started hugging him that he would just try to push him away.

Everyone in the common room knew that Kacchan probably felt extremely terrible since he never would have shown an emotional side of him in a normal situation.

No one has ever seen Kacchan cry before.

Mina was watching the crying boy with sad eyes and got up to walk up to him. She stroke his hair a few times and said something with a comforting and warm voice.

"Just tell him how you feel, show him that you care," she knew that Kacchan was an asshole to Deku all the time but now that she was able to see him crying so bad right in front of her because he felt guilty, she partly forgave him. But only partly.

"I tried," Kacchan said with a trembling voice between his sobs.

Mina's heart was aching, "Try once more.. I thought you were someone who doesn't give up that easily."

And with that Kacchan just started crying even more, his eyes were extremely red and his nose and cheeks were flushing red, there was water all over his face.

Mina stroke his spiky hair one more time and left to go up the staircase, straight to Deku's room while hearing loud sobs from the common room.

She was sure that Kirishima would be able to comfort his classmate and friend.

When Mina was finally standing in front of the sick boy's room, she knocked and waited for a response but didn't get one.

The girl tried pushing down the door handle and for her surprise the door was unlocked.

She stuck her head into the room and saw that the green haired boy was lying sick in his bed, snoring.

Cute, she thought and walked into the room to check up on him. When her hand touched his forehead, she slightly jumped and her eyes widened. Deku's fever increased compared to only 10 minutes ago.

She knew she had to call their homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa and wanted to do exactly that but then her gaze got stuck on Deku's wrist.

He didn't treat it in any way so she decided to do it for him.

Every room in the dorms had a first aid kit in them so Mina walked away from the sick boy's bed and looked around for it until she found the white box with a small All Might sticker on it, which was sticking right on top of the red cross.

She giggled at the sight and got back to Deku's bed to sit down right next to him.

The girl placed the first aid kit behind her after she took out some cream and a bandage.

She grabbed Deku's hand carefully and slightly held it up into the air, not willing to wake him up.

She applied the cream on his wrist and waited until it dried so that she could wrap it up with the bandage. The hurted boy flinched a few times during the process but luckily didn't wake up.

When Mina finished treating Deku's burn, she carefully let down his hand again and stood up. Before she left she covered him with his blanket and put the first aid kit back to where she took it from.

She was now standing in the door frame and looked back at Deku one more time.

How much did he already go through?

And with that she left the room completely and closed the door.

A small sigh left Mina's lips and she made her way to her own room which was in the girl's area of the dorm to get her phone.

When she got inside of it, she walked up to her nightstand with quick steps and grabbed the small, pink phone.

Mina unlocked her phone and scrolled though her contacts.

Red hair dye . . . Shinso the brain washer . . . Sleeping bag!

She clicked on the contact name "sleeping bag" and looked at the time on the top right corner of her screen before pulling her phone up to her ear.

8:34am... is this man even awake this early?  She asked herself but hoped that Mr. Aizawa would answer his phone.

It was dialing for quite some time until she almost wanted to hang up but then a sleepy and really deep voice growled into the speaker.

"This better be important Ashido," he said.

"Yeah yeah sensei, it actually is," Mina paused for a second to make sure that Mr. Aizawa listened to her. "Midoriya is sick and is lying in his bed with a high fever. I think he probably shouldn't go to school tomorrow. He is currently sleeping."

It was quiet on the other side of the phone until a heavy sigh was to be heard.

"Alright, I'll come by later to check up on him."

"Alright, see you later sensei," Mina replied and hung up the phone.

After that phone call she decided to get back downstairs to the common room. She wanted to watch some TV but she also wanted to check up on Kacchan.

When Mina came back downstairs she glanced at the couch on which Kacchan was still lying, letting out small sobs and right besides him there was Kirishima with tears in his eyes, comforting his friend with his hand.

A small smile escaped Mina's lips, she was happy to see that Kacchan got some support from Kirishima.

The girl turned her head to the side and saw the empty space next to Denki who was lying across the whole couch and used this opportunity so sit there. She got herself comfortable and used her blonde friend as a pillow.

Denki and Sero were watching a random movie and Mina just decided to join watching it instead of watching regular TV.

With time the four UA students noticed how quiet Kacchan has gotten and looked over at him just to notice that his eyes were closed and his breathing was heavy.

He fell asleep.

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