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I promised it and give i shall.


After Alex's stream I went upstairs bit realizing he was still in a call with 'Paris' the girl he was streaming with today.

Normally I think I would have been jealous, but I trusted Alex and I knew that at the moment we were in a very clear and healthy relationship.

"Hey quack titty dies dinner sound good?" I went into the room without knocking.

"Quack titty? What kind of stupid name is that?" He started laughing at my comment. "Only you would make up shit like this." He smiled and kissed my forehead an when he came closer I hear a voice coming through his headphones.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry I didn't know you were on call with someone." I quickly apologized and Alex just chuckled.

"No no it's fine, I'm sure she doesn't mind right Paris?" He said pulling out the aux on his headphones.

"No not at all" said the voice on the other line. It sounded irritated and a chuckle that also sounded forced came through the speaker.

I didn't think she was rude because Alex after streaming gets tired most times and doesn't realize he's coming off as harsh, so I just continued the conversation.

"Oh hey, I'm y/n." I said trying to sound cheerful.

"My girlfriend." Alex added in smiling at me.

"Oh Alex you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!" She said, again it sounded fake, but they just finished a long stream.

"I thought I did, but I mean at least no you know. Also thanks for streaming with me tonight. I'ma go out to dinner with y/n, goodnight." He signed rushed and a bit harsh with her but then beagain, he, just, finished, streaming.

"So where we going for dinner?" I cooed.

"I'm feeling, Italian. How does that sound?"

"Hell yeah!" I said while getting excited.

"Dress nicely were going somewhere fancy." Alex said

"Oh is that so?"

"Yes ma'am. In celebration for the house and us." He smiled and stood up from his chair wrapping his arms around my waist. "And because you look insanely good when you dress up."

"Look who's being a flirt today."

"Oh I'm not a flirt I just love you."

.--------------line two--------------.

AND HERE IT ISSSSSSSSS TADAAAA please take care of yourself ily stay amazingg

Author side note like 5 hours later:


unless we hit a sub *follow* goal

See you all at 460

Currently at: 410

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now