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"You know, sometimes the house is too quiet" Alex said out of the blue one night while we were out on the rooftop 

"With you, no way" he lightly punched my arm and we both softly laughed. 

"How about we get a pet" 

"I don't think the apartment allows pets"

"Well, what if we were to rent a house together, think about it" he turned to me, his gaze now turning From the sunset we were watching

"I have a very good paying job and I don't want to lose it" I avoided his eyes because I felt ashamed

"You don't need to. While your at work I can look for houses nearby" 

"Isn't that going to distract you from school?" This is where I turned to him. Yeah I would love to get a bigger place with him, but I don't want either of us ton get distracted. Not to mention we both had crazy schedules. Mine was work then school, his was school then streams and whenever we had time for each other, which was surprisingly often, we enjoyed it to the max. I didn't want any of that to change

"Not really," he interrupted my train of thought "It won't intervene with anything since I'm all caught up with my work" he said as if i had spoken my thoughts out loud. I leaned in and kissed him

"Then yeah let's do it" he looked ecstatic and started talking about what we would possibally do with the new house. From color schemes to ideas about what pet we would get.

"We should get a ferret" he said now looking up and me since his head was now on my lap facing the now dark sky.

"Aren't those, like, illegal?"

"I think they are in some states but not in others"

"Then we're definitely looking into it"

We finished that conversation before he sparked up again

"You know, if you were to join my streams, that would love you"

"Of course, who wouldn't" I laughed and he just softly hit my arm with the Mack of his hand

"No seriously, you would join them, we'd have so much fun and then we could do couple typa things on camera, and gross out my viewers."

"Its nit that I don't want to do that with you and scare kids, that sounds like fun, I just don't know yet."

"Think about it please"

"I will, don't worry"

"Alright then," he took his phone out "shit its late, we should go back inside"

"Alrighty, but can we stay up and watch Netflix"

"Only if we finish watching Barbie"


"Then there's your answer"

"But that's not fair"

"not my fuck now is it"

"Actually it kinda is"

"Okay but in all seirousnes, what do you wanna watch beacuse I'm down"

"(favorite show)"

"alright then" We both got up and headed for the door that led downstairs. I noticed his beanie was off, so i came up from behind and tried my est to fix it. "What are you doing there little y/n"

"One I'm not little, two your beanie was off so i decided to fix it. Now stop moving or its only going to get worse" He complies and stooped down a it so i could fix it with more ease. "there. Tada" I slowly backed away and did little jazz hands while looking at my 'work' while Alex acted like a model  "Work it " I took my phone out and recorded the whole thing not wanting to miss any of it

"I would e such a great model"

"Yes yes of course sir"

He just kept 'strutting' as i hyped him up. We stopped fooling around after a while and we went back inside getting ready to binge watch Netflix . I walked inside of our room to get one of his sweat shirts, for some reason his always felt more comfortable, and wren i did i noticed the two swords we had ought on his first visit here. I quickly snatched them up and quickly walked towards Alex, who was now lounging in the couch looking at his phone.

"Look Alex" i said holding both the swords out

"Are those the pone was ought at the carnival?"


"NO WAY" we both started to get overly exicted over peices of plastic that could glow

"Well what should we do with them. I don't wanna throw them out"

"lets decorate them and watch Netflix, kinda like a mini date"


"Y/N don't e so loud, were gonna get kicked out before we can start looking for a house" We started getting art supplies to decorate the two swords and got to work. Halfway through we got hungry and ordered some food. The entire night spent of laughing and tons of play fighting. Y the time we finished it was now the early hours of the morning and we were both somehow tired ut not. We decided to just go to sleep since we both needed the rest. We decided not to clean up and let that e a problem for tomorrow. We got in bed and fell asleep in each others arms.


Weird oneshot thing.
Anyways sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately been busy with stuff and whatnot, also I've been hitting a writers block and have no idea what I should write

Should I start ending the story


Should I keep looking for onshots even if they are a bit ✨extra✨

let me know and I'll act on majority vote. Anyways loves have a great day or night and remember your awesome

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