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"What do we bring"

"The whole ass house"

"I cant tell if that's a joke or not"

"Y/n we can't put a whole ass apartment in a rentable car can we" (you see i did remember they rented a car,,,, I'm cool)

"We could if we tried"

"Y/n your mentality scares me sometimes"

"Alex it's too late to back out now"

"I could leave you for Thanos"


"OH YES I WOULD" Alex and I started to play argue chasing each other around the apartment for fun and it went a little like this:

I started chasing Alex around the apparent and eventually tackled him. Our faces were inches apart and even though we've been dating and have been closer it sill suprised me. Now I would have normally kissed him, but before my reaction let me he said "Are we about to kiss right now" which caught me off guard. So like the very normal person I was I screamed jumped up and screamed and ran. Not it was Alex's turn to chase me saying "Give me kisses uwu" in the weirdest voice I've ever heard

"May the power of Christ compel you may the power of Christ compel you!" I had now made a cross out of two wooden spoons and faced it toward him. Alex just laughed and kept repeating the dreaded phrase untill I started praying in Spanish 

"Padre nuestro,que estás en el cielo. Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas,como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. Amén." (Our father in Spanish Quackity style)

"Did you just," he stopped in front of me abruptly and stared at me while trying his best to hold back his laughter

"Finally got the demon outta you" I laughed not trying to hide the fact  I was enjoying my time with him. He laughed along with me the both of us out of breath and forgetting the picnic we had planned minutes prior.

Once we had settled our breathing we also gained our balance and had stopped putting all our weight on the counter. "We should probably get serious about this picnic thing if we wanna get there before it gets dark." Alex said now getting the last of his chuckling subside I nodded and started putting some food and drinks in the cooler while Alex gathered some blankets and pillows from around the apartment. That's when I got an even better idea

"Hey Alex, you ever been camping" I said still in front of the fridge still thinking if it were a Good idea. Alex stopped collecting things around the living room as well, I could tell from the lack of shuffleing. 

"Yeah why?" I heard him answer. 

"I was thinking," I said now standing from the fridge and to where we kept the chips " why not spend the night camping nethier of us got anything to do. Like we both are caught up with school, you don't have a stream scheduled today, and we can put house searching for tomorrow evening. What do you say señor duck?"

"You know I would have said yes," he made his way towards me pillows and blankets in hand "if it weren't for your already dumb nickname becoming worse." He said while throwing  some pillows at me 

"Hey no fair"

"All is fair in Love and War"

"Alexis Quackity, are you implying that you LOVE me?"

"Haha no"

"You'll be hearing from my lawyers" 

"See you in court y/n" he said walking away and into our room, without an answer to the camping thing. I opened my mouth to say something but Alex seemed to catch my drift and yelled "And yes, I'm totally down for the camping  idea, just finish with food and then come pack"

"Alright" I said back as an answer and continued gathering some stuff thinking of the fun we were gonna have in just the span of a day.

Short chapter

short chapter

ok ok ik I said is post the day AFTER I'm aware of that I just got unmotivated and yeah,,,,, BUT I GOT IT OUT IN LESS TIME THAN LAST TIME

yes I will be uploading  more consistently than last time

plus I got like three ideas for new chapters plus two of the picnic/camping chapters

Also ik ik one needs to have a permit  for camping overnight but for the cannonicity of the story plot were just gonna say that don't exist there


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