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Edited : 4/21

Just wanted to say because I find it easier writing it from a Latina's point of view, y/n will be Hispanic in this story. First generation Mexican, sorry if anyone finds that an inconvenient issue.


I looked at her with disbelief. " No way." She smiled and nodded vigorously.

"Yes way, just take a look yourself." She handed me the now open letter and slowly read it in my head. ' Dear y/n Hernandez , blah blah blah UCLA team blah blah," my eyes finally reached the end of the page 'We are happy to announce that your application was accepted, welcome to the team.' I started smiling like crazy and looked up a Lola who had the same expression.

" I'm going to UCLA baby!!" Lola let out a soft yell in excitement and hugged me. 

"Now all you gotta do is start packing," she said while letting go "and luckily you got somebody to help." She said while beaming at me

"Oh shit I forgot we had to do that, this is gonna be tiring isn't it?"

"I mean yeah, you haven't got a clue about where you're going to live either. Not to mention you have no way to support while you're living there."

"Well, I could always get a sugar daddy or mommy." I stated a bit to seriously to be joking.

"Yeah, right." she looked at me with an eyebrow raised,"Anyway, I was thinking I pack while you look for an apartment. Okay?" I nodded and opened my laptop looking for apartments around the campus since I did't like dorm's plus they were too expensive.Lola wanted to listen to music so I put on my Spotify playlist and 'Candy' by Robbie Williams played. We were vibing song after song. 

I eventually found an apartment and was on my way through half of the legal process, when I realized that I hadn't bought a plane ticket yet.

"Oi Lola,"

"Hm?" she hummed in response still focused folding clothes.

"Can you look for a plane ticket, I did't buy one yet. Don't worry I'll pay."

"Yeah sure. Also can we change it up a bit i wanna watch some YouTube." She said while taking out her phone and getting on the bed next to me. 

"Sure," I picked up my TV controller and turned it on. After opening YouTube I turned to her "so what do ya wanna watch?" She turned to me and scanned the screen for  solid 10 seconds before turning at me and pointing to one of the videos on my recommended. "Discord's Got talent?" She nodded. It looked promising enough so i selected it and we started watching.

------One Entire Discords Got Talent Video Later------

Lola and I were on the verge of tears due to laughing. This Quackity guy was pretty funny. We finally were able to calm down and we had already finished buying the plane ticket and now i was finishing signing and faxing papers to the apartment owners. I was still laughing with Lola talking about the video until she got a text.

"Hey, my momie dearest wants me home." she said still laughing 

"Aww don't you wanna stay over, I mean why not it would be hella fun." I said hoping she would agree she finally caught her breath and shook her head

"Can't I gotta go see some relatives tomorrow. But I'll text you whenever I can!"She said while standing up and collecting some of the things. I walked with her to the front of my house, talking, while she put on her sweater and shoes.

"Don't sleep too late alright y/n?" she said before hugging me.

"Okay, mom" I said with an eye roll while hugging back and getting a chuckle from her. We broke the hug and she smiled before opening the door and walking out. "Bye y/n! Once again congrats!"

"Bye Lola,see ya!" I said waving back. I walked back to my room and decided to have one of Quackity's videos playing while i finished boxing up some of my things. Needless to say hearing him word play tech support scammers was hilarious. 

Hours had now passed and I was jumping from YouTube to Spotify and from Spotify to twitter and rotating every couple of minutes. I checked my phone 11 pm

"Jesus Hernandez you really overdid yourself this time" I said thinking out loud. The i heard the front door open. I peacked out my door to see who it was and there I say my step dad's back to me. I just rolled my eyes and went back to finishing some boxes. About 10  minutes later I hear the door open without warning .

"What with all the boxes, you planning on moving out or 'summ?" my step dad was now in my doorway looking at all the boxes now taking place in my empty room.

"As a matter of fact, I am. I'm leaving in three days" I say with my back to him while taping and labeling one of the last three boxes.

"The fuck you think you're going. You have no use, talent, skill, and looks. You are a waste of space and resource. And then you say 'oH iM goiNg sOmEwhEre'. I doubt it." he said with a smug face

"Actually Thomas," I say while lingering on his name, he hated that " I'm going to the college you said I would never make it so since I'm so 'UsLeSs'." I said mimicking him. Saying he looked mad was an understatement "Also if I'm such a waste of space why do you care where I go. Shouldn't you be happy I'm leaving?" That shut him up. He just muttered some curses and insults before leaving my room and slamming the door behind him. I was happy I finally snapped back for once. ' Get clapped bitch. ' I said in m head while a smug smirk was plastered on my face.

Today went amazingly well for me. No way something could ruin it. I finished the last two boxes and got in bed. I opened twitter and followed Quackity. Turned on my Spotify playlist and drifted off to sleep. Today was godly.


Hey everyone hope you liked today's chapter! Anyway here's the Spotify playlist for future refrence


Besides that, Have a great day!

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