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Warning: shitty spelling ahead it's currently about to be 4am and brain do be laggy, you have been warned.


Alex and I finished the way up the hill to be met with the sun about to hit the horizon.

"Just in time for the sunset. Did I plan this? Yes I did. Good job y/n." I smiled and pat myself on the back.

"Hey y/n help me set up camp will ya?" Alex called over struggling with the backpacks.

"Oh shit yeah going." It was our last night camping and we decided we wanted to do it on the hill. It was pretty flat on he too with good space, so it worked out well. It was pretty off trail to not disturb anybody, snd had a clear view of the sky. We removed camp at the original site and made sure we left it clean.

The tent we used this time, had a see through top. We could cover it so nobody could look in our out, so there was our plan. Sleep under the stars and return to regular programing.

We finished setting everything up and currently Tiger and I were messing around. Tiger liked messing with the hood and strings of the hoodie I was wearing. Alex just watched the scene from afar and laughed.

"And you say I'm the one that clings to Tiger." He said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, but you gotta admit he's just so easy to love. Like look at him." I held Tiger up and he just chuckled. The sun had started to set and Alex sat down next to me taking my free hand. We sat in pease together, we didn't really need words to describe what we felt, we just got used to enjoying any and all time together.

Tiger fell asleep on my lap and Alex noticed this. "Care for a dance y/n?"

"Are we about to do that thing in movie clishés?"

"Yeah, seems weird but I definitely wanna do it."

"Yeah but what about Tiger?"

"Here give me a sec," Alex got up and scooped tiger from my lap before disappearing into the tent to only re-emerg a second later. "I placed him one one of the folded sleeping bags now you can't say no." He had one of the biggest smiles. Kind of a childish one, but I found it charming.

"Okay okay, you better know how to dace though" I said before he wrapped one arm around my waist.

"Trust me I do." He winked and with his free hand pressed play to the song he wanted to dance to.

"Perfect, really?" I said while chuckling.

"It's what you are." He said smiling and resting his forehead against mine while we softly moved to the rythem.

The setting sun made the sky a multi shaded land of pinks oranges and reds, the soft breeze made the trees nearby make a slight sound that added to the atmosphere. Then there was Alex.

Oh how could anyone compair. He was stunning, a smile that could light up a room, his laugh was contagious and always made people happy. His eyes dark brown and captured any person at any moment. He overall was perfect.

What could I have possibly done to get a guy like this. His hugs were warm and always made me feel better, his complements and words ment more than anybody else's.

He was just so perfect.

The song came to an end and Alex gave my forehead a kiss. He then took out a silver ring from his back pocket with one of the widest smiles I've seen in a while.

I looked at him wide eyed, and as if he read my mind he shook his head no but continued smiling. I loved him but neither of us were ready for that commitment just yet.

"It's a promise ring," he said smiling "I want to spend the rest of my life with you y/n, and I want you to know that."

"Alex," I said before he shushed me and slipped the ring on. I threw my arms around him and just held on as if it were my last. I let small tears escape my eyes. I was speechless.

"Hey don't cry," he said laughing "do you really not like me?" I just chuckled along with him.

" No I do, and that's why I'm crying, because I'm just so amazed this is happening. I don't think I could ever live without you Alex." He just smiled and kissed me, one that I melted into. We sat down on the grass to see the remaining sunset. We held on to each other, staying in each others warmth. I was about to doze off before I heard the voice I had come to love whisper:

"I'll love you forever y/n."

I want some conflict in this story, please help me come up with a bitchy ass problematic ass persona. Name suggestions greatly appreciated or I'll name it after me.

Anyway hope you like today's chapter came up with a semi plan do see y'all in three days. Love you stay safe and do some self care. Adios.

-Con amor

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt