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I KNOW I'M LATE, but I had a weekend of just nkdwnajimoa. So here's chapter 24. No, the song actually doesn't have to do anything with the chapter, it I like it and it suits well

Chapters Song: 18 <--- oh look quackitys  age in this book


°Alex's pov°

I looked at her in disbelief  "You Want me to what?"

"Its not a matter of what it's more like if you want to." She said now visibly panicking. I thought bout how glorious the last six months were, and how much it hurt me not being with y/n.

"You know, let's move in together"

"Wait, REALLY?"

"Of course," I smiled and looked at her " I love you too much to pass this up" I smiled and she beamed.

"That means I gotta sort some stuff out buy some new cabinets andnget sleeping arrangements together"

"I'll help with the cabinets, and sleeping arrangement?"

"Yeah, unless you wanna stay in the same bed as me..."

"I don't see a problem with that" 

"Then it's settled" she smiled and looked at her screen I looked back at her smiling even more, god I loved her lips, but they were much better on mine. Smooth line Alex, smooth line. Just as I was about to say something my mom texted me and told me to come downstairs since dinner was ready.

"Alright gotta go eat and be social with my family."

"Bye bye, say hi to them for me please"

"Will do bye" I hung up and headed downstairs, still thinking of all the new possible things now that y/n and I were going to move in together.

---just pretend it's all in Spanish, I'ma just type in English because my arms hurt. Some words will be in Spanish tho---

"Hola A'ma"

"Hola mijho, dinners ready. Please help set the table"

"When's dad coming?"

"In a couple minutes, porque?"

"There's something I want to talk to the both of you about"

"Oh, okay, well ya no tarda"

--timeskip to when dad arives and dinner is done"

"So I have something I need to talk to you both about. Its nothing bad, and don't try to stop me I'm already set and doing it" my parents shared worried glances with one another before looking and me and nodding indicating me To proceed. "Do you guys remember y/n?

"(Eye color), about 5'5 and had (hair color) hair?" My dad asked

"Yeah her"

"She was really nice, what ever happened to her" my mom asked

"One she says hi to the both of you," my parents softly smiled at me "two she's my girlfriend now," now both of my parents were smiling alot

"Before  you continue, for how long?" My dad asked

"About six months"

"SEIS? Mijho I'm so proud of you" my mom said side hugging me

"Thanks a'ma, but now to the big part" I paused and closed my eyes "we're planning on moving in together, as in I'm moving in with her. So I will be leaving in about two or three weeks, if you guys still need some help with money, don't work I will send some monthly to help with the bills." I opened my eyes to see both my parents looking at me in disbelief

"Alex, when did you mature?" My dad smiled and said while standing up and patting me on the back

"He's always been like that" my mom said smiling while patting my shoulder and getting up aswell

"Wait so you're not against it?"

"No why would we?" My dad said collecting the plates

"I just thought th-"

"Alexis," my mom said turning to me from the sink " you are old enough to make your own  decisions, not to mention shes a very sweet girl who seems like the perfect person for you. Plus she's willing to put up with you and your travesuras so that's enough  for us." My mom said cutting me of, while my dad nodded in agreement

"Your mom's right when she says she seems like the perfect person, so don't leave her Alex, even I know that she seems right"

"Thanks papa, and don't worry I will never leave her side."

"Good now hurry up and get ready, were going to go buy boxes"

"Okay I'll be back."

I quickly ran up the stairs and got my phone out to text y/n

'See you soon roommate '

I went it and grabbed my jacket running back downstairs and hopped in the driver's seat. Today is going great

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now