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trust me on this one, it's actually funny. Got it on my Spotify recommend and now I'm cscared anyways this entire chapter is just the three girl interacting with each other


"Don't be shy, pass. The. Aux. Cord" I said reaching for Madeline

"NO MOM SAYS ITS MY TURN WITH THE AUX CORD! RIGHT MOM?" she turned to look at Lola who was trying her hardest not to laugh

"Madeline, y/n calm down before I take the aux cord."

"That wouldn't be too bad tho" Madeline said looking at her

"Who says I'm not gonna play the apple alarm?"

"You wouldn't dare" I said fake gasping

"Watch me" she said smirking reaching for Madeline

"NO" Madeline and I both said in unison 

"Here y/n have it"

"No by all means take it. Be my guest." Lola was now not able to contain her laughter so she did. She laughed at our now worried asses, worried bout her putting on the iPhone alarm. After that entire scene happened, I took the aux and played Criminal Cash. Madeline instantly recognized it we started singing along and dancing to the beat while Lola just looked at us weirdly. 

"PUT THE MONEY IN THE BAG GIMMIE ALL YOU GOT RUN FAST TO THE CAR BEFORE WE GET CAUGHT!" we yelled into our pretend microphone's. While we finished our entire preference lola said she was gonna get food. So we stopped at a gas station and got some chips, drinks, and some other things to keep us entertained. Madeline got about ten worms on a string. We got back in the car and Kimset played. Needless to say the inside of the car was now complete and utter chaos.

As the rest of my playlist blasted through the speakers I actually forgot about Alex. I was living in the moment with the two girls that supported my antics. It was now getting closer to the night hours and our energy as drained. We found a motel that didn't look straight out of a horror movie and stayed there for the night. 

But before we did go to sleep, Madeline Lola and I decided to do one of those weird girl things that happen at sleepovers. (I'm not kidding when I say I've never been to a sleepover so bare with me here)

"so y/n you ready" Lola turned to me from the other bed

"For what?"

"Seeing Alex, duh" Madeline said while sitting on the floor

"Not gonna lie, I kinda forgot he existed"

"Is that a good thing?" Madeline  asked lola

"Technally yes, but in this case kinda no."

"Well what am I gonna do when I see him?"

"What your heart tells you to" Lola said

"Stomp on him then do what you think is right" Madeline said nonchalantly

"Stomp on him?" Lola and I said in unison

"Yeah he left, put you in a world of hurt, and now we're driving to go see him."

"Don't think he deserves to be stomped on tho" Lola looked down at Madeline. I could tell she was questioning everything that came out of her mouth.

"Am I supposed to do one of those Disney movie chishés. Like slap him and say 'tHaTs fOr LeAvInG' and then kiss him and say 'aNd tHaTs bEcAuSe I LoVe yOu'?" Lola and Madeline just laughed at my comment. I tried to keep a straight face but I couldn't

"Don't do that" Lola spoke up "don't do that without me recording that"Madeline and I just laughed harder. 

"Okay but for real, what should I do" I said once we all calmed dowm

"Y/n what's your favorite color again" Lola said while getting up and moving towards one of her bags

"(F/c), why?" She then held out a small tube of (f/c) nail polish. She looked at me and lola. Lola thought it was a good idea but I thought about it

"But why tho"

"Y/n come onn, let me do your nails. Please" she dragged out the word please while pouting

"But why"

"why not" Madline responded

"Y/n that's the best answer to ever exist in the history of answers. There's no way you can fight against it" Lola said while looking at me

"You both peer pressuring me into painting my nails, how's that fair?"

"Its very fair" Madeline said while making her way towards me "now give me your hand"

"In marriage?"

"Y/n that was so funny I forgot to laugh" Madeline looked at me with a straight face now sitting across from me. "Now quit being a smart ass and hand over your hand"

"I have no choice do I"

"no" the two other girls said in unison.

---The next morning ---

I was not gonna lie, Madeline did a pretty good job. I sat in my bed while the other girls were asleep in bed. I held my hand up and stared at it. My thoughts then drifted to Alex. How will he react when he sees me. Is he gonna be happy? Sad? God I just hope it's a good reaction. Madeline stirred in her sleep next to me.

"Morning Madeline"

"Morning y/n"

"you sleep well"

"Fuck no"


"dude you kick so much when you sleep" I just snorted while Lola on the other side of the room turned to face us

"I'm trying to sleep here"

"well you should get up" Madeline said while getting out of bed "it's already 9"

"shit already?" I said

"Y/n language. Its too early to be swearing"

"Lola your such a mom" Madeline said while picking out an outfit

"I kind of have to, without me being responsible you two would have burned something down by now"

"you gotta admit that's kinda true" I said turning to Madeline

"kind of, it's 100% true" Lola said getting Out of bed as well. We all just laughed and got ready to finish driving to Mexico.

---some hours later---

°Alex's pov°

I was busy editing a video when I got another text. It was y/n again. I didn't want to ignore her but at the same time I didn't feel like I was worthy of talking to her. I opened up the message

'what's your address '

what? Why would she be asking for my address. I thought about giving it to her but I decided not to. My phone vibrated again.

'please respond just this once Alex'

I sighed in defeat and just typed it in. The worse she could do is leak it, but even then people wouldn't believe it. I went back to editing my video.

°Back to y/n°

"remember were going to be a block away" Lola looked at me with reassurance in her eyes "you got this"

I smiled at her. Madeline would have hyped me up if she weren't asleep in the backseat, but I knew that Lola was trying her best.

"Hey Lola,"


"Can I get a hug?"

"of course y/n!" She got out of the car and we hugged for a solid minute. She finally let go "Be brave, I know you can do this" I looked at her and smiled, she smiled back patted my shoulders, and drove off.

I let out a deep sigh and turned to the house in front of me. I raised my fist and knocked.

'Here goes nothing'

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now