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What is that I see?

Um anyway.


"I, what." It took me time to process the view in front of me. It wasn't much but it was breathtaking non the less. The little lights lit up the biggest tree near the clearing. Four to five pillows on a blanket and a small little picnic basket in the middle.

(Those who struggle with visuals let's just remove the lanterns)

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(Those who struggle with visuals let's just remove the lanterns)

"What, do you not like it? Is it not enough? Too much? I'm sor-" Alex started.

"No, no, not at all." I turned to him and held his face in my hands before giving his forehead a quick peck. "It's amazing."

I turn around and face the little picnic once again. I make my way
to the pillows and throw myself into them. I sat back up to to see Alex making his way to where I was and sat down across from me.

I grabbed the basket and peeked inside. I took out the contents and looked over to Alex. "Flan and Rompope? Really?" I laughed and placed them aside while I went fir the plates and spoons inside of the basket.

"What it's a good mix! A taste from home, right?" He laughed taking the cake we hit at the restaurant out as well. "To be fair I brought it for me, but we can share or whatever."

"Your lucky I'M sharing. If I weren't so heartfelt then I'd take it for myself."

"Wow y/n, image not sharing. Your such a bad girlfriend." Alex rolled his eyes.

"Wait but didn-".

"What I said us irreverent, now come on I want some postre."

I cut the flan and gave Alex a slice before handing him the rompope. We prepared our own slices how we wanted with the extra stuff Alex brought in the basket. (If you don't have flan with rompope, caramel or whipped cream,,,,, istfg /j)

I smiled thinking about how considering this mother fucker was. How was he able to get me over the fear of being manipulated do easily. I looked up at Alex who was enjoying his flan with a childlike gleam in his eyes. He met my gase and smiled.

After we got full, Alex mover over towards me who then hugged my waist and made us both fall to our side. We just laughed while I struggled to get it if his arms. Hid breath smelled sweet, the air warm and the sound of the softly swishing water could be heard below us.

I gave up and just rested in Alex's arms, a comfortable silence surrounding us. Untill broke out a simple question.

"I've been thinking, would you like to start creating content with me?"

.------------line two------------.

I got butterflies writhing this chapter.


Remember love you all and your amazing muah💚


Until next time

4:20 // 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now